2016年8月21日 星期日

ribcage, sternum-deep in that miry slough of despond,

According to the source, Mr Zhang was kicked in the sternum and fell, striking his head on the pavement. The attackers were allegedly trying to steal his friend's bag.

miry (MYR-ee)

1. Resembling mire.
2. Muddy; swampy.

From mire (bog), from Old Norse myrr. Earliest recorded use: 1398.

"This election night, American liberals, sternum-deep in that miry slough of despond, are as depressed as they've been since the Florida debacle back in 2000." — Michael Tomasky; Midterms 2010: A Sea-Change in Just Two Years; The Guardian (London, UK); Nov 3, 2010.

Sternum Area, Anatomy & Pictures | Body Maps - Healthline


The sternum, or breastbone , is a flat bone at the front center of the chest. The ribs and sternum make up what is called the "ribcage." The ribcage protects the ...


ster·num (stûr'nəm) pronunciation
The elongated, flattened bone forming the middle portion of the thorax. It supports the clavicles and articulates directly with the first seven pairs of ribs.

de·spond (dĭ-spŏnd') pronunciation
intr.v., -spond·ed, -spond·ing, -sponds.
To become disheartened or discouraged.

Despondency: "The outward show of fight masked a spreading inner despond at the White House" (Newsweek).
[Latin dēspondēre, to give up : dē-, de- + spondēre, to promise.]
despondingly de·spond'ing·ly adv.
