2024年1月11日 星期四

headwind, tailwind, fuselage panel. a fair [favorable] wind, crosswind, fuselage, tail, tailing, detective, detector, put the brakes on

When supply falls and demand is strong, prices tend to go up. So it has been in America’s stockmarkets. Short-term interest rates at record lows and minuscule yields on government bonds have boosted investors’ demand for equities. And thanks to share buy-backs, the supply of shares has been steadily falling. This tailwind for share prices, however, may be starting to fade http://econ.st/1IeWE55

BBC World News
Recovery teams are beginning the operation to raise the fuselage ofAirAsia flight ‪#‎QZ8501‬.

Bid to raise AirAsia fuselage begins
Salvage teams begin an operation to raise the fuselage of AirAsia flight QZ8501, which crashed into the Java Sea last month killing all 162 on board.

Pivotal Patent Case Heads to Court
Microsoft and Motorola will argue in a Seattle court this week over how crucial technology should be shared, a case that could help put the brakes on rampant patent warfare.

Taiwan military lie detectors 'test loyalty'
BBC News
Officials in Taiwan have told the BBC that lie detector tests for military personnel based abroad are a useful way to evaluate whether they are spying for other countries. On Monday Defence Minister Kao Hua-chu told parliament the "test of loyalty" had ...
See all stories on this topic »
BBC News

New Japanese smartphone will have radiation detector
By Kyung Lah, CNN (CNN) -- Talk about a "smart" phone—Japan's latest mobile phone sensation also happens to be a radiation detector. The Pantone 5 107SH is the world's first mobile phone with a built-in radiation sensor, merging phone technology with ...

Google (NSDQ: GOOG)'s Gmail Labs now offers yet another way not to send a message.
First there was Email Addict, a Gmail Labs experiment designed to force obsessive Gmail users to take a break after 15 minutes and to block access to instant messages.
Then there was Mail Goggles, which requires that Gmail users answer simple math problems before allowing them to send messages, in order to prevent e-mailing while intoxicated.
Gmail Labs also includes a Forgotten Attachment Detector, which will prevent messages that mention an attachment but don't actually include one from being sent.

tailwind is a wind that blows in the direction of travel of an object, while a headwind blows against the direction of travel. A tailwind increases the object's speed and reduces the time required to reach its destination, while a headwind has the opposite effect. Tailwinds and headwinds are commonly measured in relation to the speed of vehicles — commonly air and watercraft — as well as in running events — particularly sprints.

headwind, a fair [favorable] wind

Setbacks in Bay Area Add to Pain for The Chronicle
Geography, demographics and competition in the Bay Area are posing challenges beyond the headwinds facing all newspapers.

Gartner Trims PC Growth Forecast
Gartner lowered its 2008 forecast for PC shipments and warned the estimate could drop further if "global economic headwinds" strengthen.

head wind

(船などへの)向かい風, 逆風.

noun [C] (船などへの)向かい風, 逆風.
a wind blowing in the opposite direction to the one you are moving in:
The runners had to battle against a stiff/strong headwind.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
據統計,今年第三季美國進口轎車銷量為59萬4,383輛,計較去年同期衰退了8.4%,而今年上半年時進口轎車銷量是呈現年成長7.8%的;國產轎車 (美國GM、Ford、Chrysler)今年第三季在美國的銷量也不好,年衰退率為7.1%,也比上半年的5.4%衰退率略見放大。

GM Sales Face Economic Headwind
By Terry Kosdrosky and John D. Stoll

Companies Featured in This Article: General Motors, Ford Motor DETROIT -- General Motors Corp.'s sales chief indicated Wednesday the auto maker would see a drop in retail vehicle sales for 2007, the latest sign the sluggish U.S. economy is hampering the company's turnaround efforts.

Speaking to reporters here, Mark LaNeve said GM's share of retail sales -- sales of cars and trucks to individual buyers -- would be "really flat" in 2007.

Since overall retail sales are down, that implies a drop in GM's retail total. The company had hoped to sell at least three million vehicles to individuals in 2007 but has acknowledged it will fall short of ...

headwind 的相反字眼

おいかぜ 追い風

a fair [favorable] wind.

三省堂提供「大辞林 第二版」より凡例はこちら


  • 発音記号[téiliŋ]
1 壁にはめ込んだ石[れんが]の突出部, 際梁(きわばり)受け.
2 ((〜s))
(1) 《建築》テイリング:ふるいを通らないじゃり・骨材など.
(2) くず, かす, 残り物;選鉱くず.
3 尾をつけること;尾行.

在 yahoo 首頁,選"字典",打入 tail

vt. 及物動詞
  1. 尾隨; 盯梢; 跟蹤
    The detective was tailing the suspect. 偵探在跟蹤嫌疑犯。
  2. 為...裝尾巴
vi. 不及物動詞
  1. 尾隨; 跟蹤[(+after/behind)]
  2. 變少, 縮小[(+off/away)]
    Interest in the skate board tailed off. 人們對滑冰板的興趣漸漸小了。

(tāl) pronunciation
  1. The posterior part of an animal, especially when elongated and extending beyond the trunk or main part of the body.
  2. The bottom, rear, or hindmost part: the tail of a shirt.
  3. The rear end of a wagon or other vehicle.
    1. The rear portion of the fuselage of an aircraft.
    2. An assembly of stabilizing planes and control surfaces in this rear portion.
  4. The vaned rear portion of a bomb or missile.
  5. An appendage to the rear or bottom of a thing: the tail of a kite.
  6. The long luminous stream of gas and dust forced from the head of a comet when it is close to the sun.
  7. A braid of hair; a pigtail.
  8. Something that follows or takes the last place: the tail of a journey.
  9. A train of followers; a retinue.
  10. The end of a line of persons or things.
  11. The short closing line of certain stanzas of verse.
  12. The refuse or dross remaining from processes such as distilling or milling.
  13. Printing. The bottom of a page; the bottom margin.
  14. (used with a sing. verb) The side of a coin not having the principal design and the date. Often used in the plural with a singular verb.
  15. Informal. The trail of a person or an animal in flight.
  16. Informal. A person assigned or employed to follow and report on someone else's movements and actions: The police put a tail on the suspected drug dealer.
  17. tails
    1. A formal evening costume typically worn by men.
    2. A tailcoat.
    1. Slang. The buttocks.
    2. Vulgar Slang. A sexual partner, especially a woman.
  1. Of or relating to a tail or tails: tail feathers.
  2. Situated in the tail, as of an airplane: a tail gunner.

v., tailed, tail·ing, tails. v.tr.
  1. To provide with a tail: tail a kite.
  2. To deprive of a tail; dock.
  3. To serve as the tail of: The Santa Claus float tailed the parade.
  4. To connect (often dissimilar or incongruous objects) by or as if by the tail or end: tail two ideas together.
  5. Architecture. To set one end of (a beam, board, or brick) into a wall.
  6. Informal. To follow and keep under surveillance.
  1. To become lengthened or spaced when moving in a line: The patrol tailed out in pairs.
  2. Architecture. To be inserted at one end into a wall, as a floor timber or beam.
  3. Informal. To follow: tailed after the leader.
  4. Nautical.
    1. To go aground with the stern foremost.
    2. To lie or swing with the stern in a named direction, as when riding at anchor or on a mooring.
  5. Sports. To veer from a straight course in the direction of the dominant hand of the player propelling the ball: a pitch that tails away from the batter.
phrasal verbs:
tail down
  1. To ease a heavy load down a steep slope.
tail off or away
  1. To diminish gradually; dwindle or subside: The fireworks tailed off into darkness.
[Middle English, from Old English tægel.]
tailless tail'less adj.

tail2 (tāl) pronunciation Law.
Limitation of the inheritance of an estate to a particular party.

adj. Law
Being in tail: a tail estate.

[Middle English taille, from Old French, division, from taillier, to cut. See tailor.]

1 尾, しっぽ
The dog wagged its tail.
2 尾状の物;(服などの)すそ;長いお下げ髪, 弁髪;《天文》(彗星(すいせい)・流星の)尾;《印刷》(Qなどの)活字の底線の下に伸びた部分;(音符の)符尾
the tail of a shirt
3 ((通例the 〜))(物の)尾部, 後部, (池・流れの)よどみ, 末端
the tail of the eye
4 ((通例the 〜))しめくくり, 末尾
at the tail of the meeting
5 かす, くず, 下っぱ, 末輩;(スポーツのチームなどの)へたな選手;((〜s))《化学》(最後の蒸留で得られる)かす, おり.
6 ((通例〜s))(硬貨の)裏面(⇔heads)
Heads or tails?
7 尾状に伸びる列;(人々の)列, 行列, 随行員, 従者.
8 ((〜s))((略式))燕尾(えんび)服(tailcoat);正装
go into tails
9 (スレート・かわらの露出した)ふき足.
10 (逃走中の人・動物の)通った跡(trail);((略式))尾行者
put a tail on a suspect
ditch a tail
11 《韻文》(一定の詩形で終わる)短い行.
12 ((略式))尻(しり), けつ.
13 ((卑))性交;(性交の相手としての)女;(女性の)外陰部
a piece [a bit] of tail
on a person's tail
〈人を〉尾行して, 〈人の〉あとをぴったりつけて.
the tail wagging the dog
((略式))主客の転倒(状況), 本末転倒.
▼the tail wags the dogの形でも用いる.
turn tail (and run)
(1) 背を向けて逃げる.
(2) (困難・対立などから)逃げ出す.
twist a person's tail
with one's tail between one's legs
(敗北などのために)しっぽを巻いて, おじけづいて.
with one's tail up [down]
1 後ろからくる.
2 後部[尾部]にある
a tail gun on an airplane
1 〈行列・随行団などの〉後尾につく, しんがりとなる;…の次に続く;((略式))…を尾行する, のあとをつける
The suspect was tailed.
2 ((主に米))〈凧(たこ)などに〉尾をつける.
3 …を(…の)後尾につける, 末端につなぐ((on, to ...)).
4 《建築》〈はり・板などを〉(…に)はめ込む((in, into, on ...)).
5 〈馬・犬などの〉尾を短く切る;〈果実などの〉柄[しっぽ]を取る.
1 尾のようになる, 尾を引く;ぞろぞろ列を作る, 列になって動く;((英))〈交通が〉渋滞する.
2 ((略式))(…の)あとにぴったりついて行く, (…を)尾行する((after ...))
tail after a procession
3 《建築》〈はり・板が〉(…の)際梁(きわばり)受けになる((in, into ...)).
4 しだいに消えて[小さくなって, 少なくなって]ゆく((away, off)).
5 〈船が〉(ある方向に)船尾を向ける.
tail back

[動](他)1 [III[名]]〈病気などを〉見つける;[V[名]doing]〈人が〉(…しているのを)見つける(▼discoverと異なり主に悪事などに用いる) detect someone ...
[名][U][C]1 発見, 看破, 探知, 発覚, 露見.2 《通信》整流;検波.3 《化学》検出.
[名]探偵;刑事 a private detective私立探偵 put a detective on a person人に探偵をつける.━━[形]1 探偵の a detective story...
[名]1 発見者, 看破[探知]する人.2 探知装置 a lie detectorうそ発見器 a metal detector金属探知機.3 《電気》検電器.4 《通信》検波器;整流器.5 《物...


Line breaks: fu¦sel|age
Pronunciation: /ˈfjuːzəlɑːʒ, -lɪdʒ/

Definition of fuselage in English:


The main body of an aircraft.


early 20th century: from French, from fuseler 'shape into a spindle', from fuseau 'spindle'.
