2020年12月12日 星期六

carousing, respected, respectable, respectful, respectability, the Union, pawnbroker, an advance on his inheritance,

A fiddler and peasants drinking and carousing outside a village inn. 1693.
Cornelis Dusart (Haarlem 1660-1704)
Private collection. Oil on canvas. 49.2 x 40.8 cm.
圖像裡可能有2 個人、樹和戶外

And he succeeds in the primary task of all biography, recreating a man who leaps off the page. We travel with Marx from his hometown, Trier, via student carousing in Bonn and Berlin, to his debut in political journalism in Cologne and on to exile and revolutionary activity in Paris, Brussels and London. We see his thought develop, but glimpse also the begging letters to his mother, requesting an advance on his inheritance, along with the enduring anxiety over whether he can provide for the wife he has loved since he was a teenager. We hear of the sleepless nights that follow the start of the American Civil War: Marx is troubled not by the fate of the Union, but by the loss of freelance income from The New York Tribune, which, consumed by matters closer to home, no longer requires his services as a European correspondent. We see the trips to the pawnbrokers, the pressure to maintain bourgeois living standards, “the show of respectability,” as Marx put it to his closest friend and co-conspirator, Friedrich Engels.
 斯珀伯圓滿達成了所有傳記的首要任務,塑造了一個躍然紙上的人物。我們跟馬克思一起從他的家鄉特里爾出發,走過他在波恩和柏林狂歡作樂的學生時代, 之後他在科隆首次登上政治新聞界的舞台,在巴黎、布魯塞爾和倫敦流亡並參加革命活動。我們看到他的思想在發展,但也可以瞥見他向母親請求提前繼承財物的乞 求信,以及他擔心是否供養得起他從十幾歲起就愛上的妻子的長期焦慮。我們聽到他在美國南北戰爭開始之後度過的不眠之夜:他擔憂的不是美國的命運,而是作為 《紐約論壇報》(The New York Tribune)自由撰稿人的收入;這家報紙把所有精力放在離家更近的事件上後,就不再需要馬克思作為歐洲記者的稿件了。我們看到馬克思出入典當行,承受 着維持中產階級生活標準的壓力,正如他對他最親密的朋友和同謀者弗里德里希·恩格斯(Friedrich Engels)所說的那樣,這種生活標準是“體面尊嚴的展示”。
In Galleon Case, Spotlight on Rajat Gupta The jury in Raj Rajaratnam's insider trading trial has heard much about Rajat Gupta, once one of the world's most respected businessmen. 
carousingの意味・和訳。【形容詞】騒々しく酔ったお祭り騒ぎに用いられた(例文)used of riotously drunken merrymaking.英検公式!英検対策に役立つ英和・和英辞書.
respect persons
((古))(身分・地位・富などによって)人を差別待遇する, 分け隔てする.
[名]1 [U]体面, 世間体.2 りっぱな態度;りっぱな社会的地位.3 尊敬すべき人;((the 〜))((集合的))名望家連, お歴々.
[形]1 〈人柄・服装・行動などが〉世間に認められるような, まともな, ちゃんとした. ▼尊敬に値するという意味はない She is a respectable young woman fro...
[副]まともに, ちゃんと.
[名]地位[権力]に左右される人, えこひいきをする人 God is no respecter of persons.神はかたよることをなさらない〈《聖書》使徒言行録10:34〉.
[形]尊敬の念に満ちた;ていねいな, いんぎんな;(…に)敬意を表する((to, toward, of ...)) respectful behaviorうやうやしい態度 be respectf...
[副]うやうやしく, ていねいに, つつしんで Bids at less than 50 percent of our estimate are respectfully declined.見積...
pronunciation My cat does not talk as respectfully to me as I do to her. — Sidonie Gabrielle Claudine Colette

[前]((形式))…に関して, について(regarding). ▼about, onの改まった表現.

[形]((ふつう複数名詞を伴って))それぞれの, めいめいの, 各自の The two men went their respective ways.2人の男はめいめいの方向へ行った.
[副]それぞれ, めいめいに, 各自, 各々. ▼ふつう文尾で用いる Tom and Steve are fifteen and thirteen, respectively.トムとスティーブは...

Definition of pawnbroker


  • a person who lends money at interest on the security of an article pawned.




  • 3 (the Union) a political unit consisting of a number of states or provinces with the same central government, in particular:
  • the United States, especially from its founding by the original thirteen states in 1787–90 to the secession of the Confederate states in 1860-1: California is the fastest growing state in the Union when it comes to urban encroachment
  • (also the Federal Union) the northern states of the United States which opposed the seceding Confederate states in the American Civil War.
  • South Africa, especially before it became a republic in 1961.
