2019年3月27日 星期三

misstate, misstatement, Manchuria, Manchurian candidate. Press Communique, Cairo Communiqué

Asked to address a message his campaign had sent to supporters suggesting that Dr. Ben Carson was going to suspend his campaign after Iowa, Ted Cruz blamed CNN and specific CNN anchors and reporters for why his campaign had been led to believe that Carson was dropping out.
In fact, CNN never reported nor implied that Carson was going to suspend his campaign, as Cruz's campaign did. And the fact that Cruz reverted to this excuse during Saturday night's debate was especially notable because Cruz had walked back his accusations against the network earlier this week and said, "CNN got it right."

The chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency said late Tuesday in a press conference in Vienna that his agency was struggling to get timely information from Japan about its failing reactors, which has resulted in agency misstatements.

為期五天的開羅會議,會後發表宣言要點為「共同對日作戰,至日本無條件投降為止;所有日本竊奪之中國領土,如東北、台灣、澎湖群島,須歸還中華民國;朝鮮應使其獨立」,但卻未見代表在《開羅宣言》上簽名,因此認定世上根本就不存在「開羅宣言」法律文件。特別是近年來有人認為《開羅宣言》只能算得上是份「新聞公報」(Press Communique)而已,值得注意之後續發展是美國國務院在一九五八年竟對外指出「…在開羅會議中,美、英、中公佈”意願”將滿洲、台澎歸還中國。…」但卻「並無任何條約將台灣的主權轉移給中國。…」及「…現在的狀況為,同盟國仍需協議某種協定或條約來定位台灣的地位。…」致使部分人士迄今質疑《開羅宣言》,一九五五年,邱吉爾竟在國會答詢時否認《開羅宣言》有此承諾!!!

The Cairo Declaration was issued on 27 November 1943 and released in a Cairo Communiqué through radio on 1 December 1943,[3]stating the Allies' intentions to continue deploying military force until Japan's unconditional surrender. The main clauses of the Cairo Declaration are that the three great allies are fighting this war to restrain and punish the aggression of Japan, they covet no gain for themselves and won't involve themselves in territorial expansion wars after the conflict, "Japan be stripped of all the islands in the Pacific which she has seized or occupied since the beginning of the First World War in 1914", "all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, including ManchuriaFormosa, and the Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China", Japan will also be expelled from all other territories which she has taken by violence and greed and that "in due course Korea shall become free and independent".

The Manchurian Candidate is a novel by Richard Condon, first published in 1959. It is a political thriller about the son of a prominent U.S. political family who is brainwashed into being an unwitting assassin for a Communist conspiracy. Wikipedia
Originally publishedApril 27, 1959
Page count311
GenresThriller, Suspense, Political fiction
每日一詞 :“滿洲候選人”與美國的冷戰記憶
穆勒的報告已經得出結論:特朗普在大選期間並未與俄羅斯串謀。時報專欄作者Farhad Manjoo在《 “通俄”讓我們忽視了美國根本的弱點 》一文中對涉俄調查和美國製度的結構性問題作出反思:“其中沒有串謀。總統不是滿洲候選人( Manchurian candidate )。我們也不能把一切都歸咎於弗拉基米爾·普京。”
《滿洲候選人》(The Manchurian Candidate)是一部1959年的政治驚悚小說。冷戰時期,一名被俘的美軍士兵在被關押在“滿洲”地區,並被中蘇諜報人員洗腦成殺手。當他看到撲克牌中的方片Q,就會在喪失意識的情況下淪為傀儡,執行任何使命。朝鮮戰爭後,美國人對共產主義的滲透顛覆心懷恐懼,相信意志操縱術真能把人變成無知覺的傀儡,幹出可怕的事。
《滿洲候選人》這部小說抓住了美國人對冷戰和洗腦的焦慮,被兩度改編為電影。 “滿洲候選人”這個詞在美國的政治文化里紮下了根,被用來指那些背景可疑,似乎與境外勢力關係曖昧、圖謀不軌的政客。

Communiqué - definition of communiqué by The Free ...


(kəˈmjuːnɪˌkeɪ) n. 1. ( Government, Politics & Diplomacy) an official communication or announcement, esp to the press or public. [C19: from French, from communiquer to communicate]

n.An incorrect statement.
