2024年4月25日 星期四

chapter, unlease, have a big hand. Chen Jian brings Zhou into the light, offering a nuanced portrait of his complex life as a revolutionary, a master diplomat, and a man with his own vision and ...

Chen Jian brings Zhou into the light, offering a nuanced portrait of his complex life as a revolutionary, a master diplomat, and a man with his own vision and ...

What Drives Siblings to Unleash Terror?

Khalid and Ibrahim el-Bakraoui join a list of brothers involved in nearly every major terror attack on Western soil since three sets of Saudi siblings helped carry out the 9/11 attacks.

Obama Starts Second Term
As the nation begins a new chapter in its history, The Times offers a nuanced and comprehensive look at the second inauguration of America's 44th President — including all the pomp and pageantry; President Obama's forceful inaugural address, the First Lady's eclectic fashion choices for the occasion, the full text of poet Richard Blanco's inaugural poem, "One Today"; the remarkable poise of the first daughters; and even some unintentionally amusing moments — complete with news analysis, opinion, video, slide shows and interactive features.



Skiing Old Trails of the New Deal
On mountains across New England, a chapter of Great Depression-era history is revealed to skiers willing to work for it.


Newly Elected GOP Governors: Ready to Unleash Some Pain

By Mark Halperin
Republican governors are going to have a big hand in writing the next chapter of American history

The verb unlease has 3 meanings:
Meaning #1: release or vent, as of emotions and reactions
Meaning #2: release from a leash, as of dogs
Meaning #3: turn loose or free from restraint
Synonyms: let loose, loose

Well: Film Festival Explores an Ugly Medical Chapter


chap • ter

chapters (複数形) • chapters (三人称単数現在)
chapter and verse, to the end of the chapter, (全2件)
1 (本・論文などの)章(略:chap., ch., c.);((比喩))(人生・歴史などの)重要な一区切り, 一時期(を画すること), たいせつな一部分
the first chapter [=chapter one
open a new chapter in (the story of) one's life
2 ((主に米))(協会・組合・同窓会などの)(地方)支部, 分会.
3 《教会》
(1) 修道院修士会;司教座聖堂参事会;((集合的))管区[教会]代表団.
(2) (詩篇(しへん)のあとに読む)聖書抜節.
4 (一般に)総会.
5 ((英))(一連の)出来事, (…の)連続((of ...)).
6 ((米俗))《野球》イニング
in the bottom of the seventh chapter
chapter and verse
((通例無冠詞))聖書の正確な引用;確かな根拠[典拠, 情報(源)];((副詞的))正確かつ詳細に.
to [till] the end of the chapter
最後まで;いつまでも, どこまでも.
