2014年12月28日 星期日

deserting their picket lines, forsake, abandon, evader

It is more than 40 years since Ricky Tomlinson spent Christmas in prison. In December 1973 the actor was a young painter and decorator, married with two small sons, when he was sentenced to two years for his part in picketing a national construction workers’ strike. After more than a year behind bars, much of it in solitary confinement, he walked free – only to find he’d been blacklisted by the building industry and was unemployable.
I pity the man who would forsake his own flesh and blood for mere money.

On Sept. 16, 1974, President Ford announced a conditional amnesty program for Vietnam War deserters and draft evaders.


Study: Food Deserts Not So Deserted

New research suggests that poor urban neighborhoods have plenty of access to food.

Germany to Forsake Its Nuclear Reactors
Germany said it would close all of its 17 nuclear reactors by 2022, a sharp policy reversal that will make it the first major economy to quit atomic power in the wake of the nuclear crisis in Japan.
German Nuclear Operator Threatens Suit Over Ban
Germany's decision to abandon nuclear power by 2022 is sparking a backlash from the country's biggest utilities, amid a debate in the country about the costs of shifting to other energy sources.

Are the French strikes losing steam?

The strikes in France over the retirement age appear to be losing steam
with rubbish collectors returning to work in southern France and some oil
workers deserting their picket lines.

Pronunciation: /ˈpɪkɪt 

Definition of picket in English:


1A person or group of people who stand outside aworkplace or other venue as a protest or to try topersuade others not to enter during a strike:forty pickets were arrested
1.1blockade of a workplace or other venue stagedby a picket:the workers walked out, mounting mass pickets at the factory gates
2(also picquet) A soldier or small group of soldiersperforming a particular duty, especially one sent outto watch for the enemy:when would this headlong advance run into theenemy pickets?picket of soldiers fired a volley over the coffin
3[USUALLY AS MODIFIER] A pointed wooden stake driven into the ground, typically to form a fence or to tether ahorse:cedar-picket stockade

VERB (picketspicketingpicketed)

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Act as a picket outside (a workplace or other venue):strikers picketed the newspaper’s main building


late 17th century (denoting a pointed stake, on which a soldier was required to stand on one foot as a military punishment): from French piquet 'pointed stake', frompiquer 'to prick', from pic 'pike'.
(▼発音注意. ⇒DESERT23, DESSERT)[名][C][U]1 砂漠 the Desert of Gobi [=the Gobi (Desert)]ゴビ砂漠.2 荒れ地, 荒野, ...
(▼発音注意. ⇒DESERT1)[動](他)1 〈人・地位・場所などを〉(義務・約束などを破って)放棄する, 見捨てる;〈場所を〉からにする;〈軍人・船員などが〉〈任務などを〉放棄する;〈任務...
[名]((通例 〜s))応分の賞罰, 報い;賞[罰]に値すること just deserts当然の報い.

de·sert3 (dĭ-zûrt') pronunciation

v., -sert·ed, -sert·ing, -serts. v.tr.
  1. To leave empty or alone; abandon.
  2. To withdraw from, especially in spite of a responsibility or duty; forsake: deserted her friend in a time of need.
  3. To abandon (a military post, for example) in violation of orders or an oath.
To forsake one's duty or post, especially to be absent without leave from the armed forces with no intention of returning.

[French déserter, from Late Latin dēsertāre, frequentative of Latin dēserere, to abandon : dē-, de- + serere, to join.]
deserter de·sert'er n.

(▼発音注意. ⇒DESERT1)[動](他)
1 〈人・地位・場所などを〉(義務・約束などを破って)放棄する, 見捨てる;〈場所を〉からにする;〈軍人・船員などが〉〈任務などを〉放棄する;〈任務地などから〉脱走する, 逃亡する. ▼abandonには「永遠に見捨てる」の含みがあるが, desertは「もとに戻る」の含みがある
All who once loved him have deserted him.
The soldier deserted his post.
2 〈力などが〉〈人から〉なくなる
My memory deserted me.
━━(自)(義務・職務を)捨てる;〈軍人が〉(…から)脱走[逃亡]する((from ...)).

(fôr-sāk', fər-) pronunciation
tr.v., -sook (-sʊk'), -sak·en (-sā'kən), -sak·ing, -sakes.
  1. To give up (something formerly held dear); renounce: forsook liquor.
  2. To leave altogether; abandon: forsook Hollywood and returned to the legitimate stage.
[Middle English forsaken, from Old English forsacan.]
