2014年1月28日 星期二

the pond, under fire, pairing,founder, pertinent, seed-cake, frog pond

Downton Abbey returned to record ratings in the US, Doctor Who is packing convention centres, and British actors like Jonny Lee Miller, Damian Lewis and Tom Mison are popping up all over American-made TV. Ken Tucker explains why Americans have such great affection for entertainment from across the pond.


Evan Sung for The New York Times
There’s Good Money in Cheap Chic
More than a decade after Target popularized mass-retail lines by high-end designers, the pairings have become a reliable business. Above, Donatella Versace for H&M.

Peasant farmers in Nepal are being encouraged to switch to biogas burners
to save themselves - and the forest - from trouble, but the financing
mechanism is coming under fire.

Is Bordeaux a good pairing for mooncake? Collectors, particularly in Asia, have paid record-breaking sums for fine wines over the past couple of years. But market turmoil threatens to put a cork in soaring prices for all sorts of alternative investments.

The next clue on the future of wine prices could come with an Asian festival in early September, according to Gary Boom, founder of wine merchant and investment tracker Bordeaux Index. The celebration is marked by the consumption of round pastry mooncakes filled with lotus-seed paste and a salted duck egg, as well as the exchange of generous gifts, including, in recent years, expensive bottles of Bordeaux.

For the wine-investment industry, "the festival will, as usual, be the most illuminating indicator of [second-half 2011] activity," notes Mr. Boom. And if the prices don't pick up, investors can always wash down their duck eggs with a decent red.

 Banks Don't Bank on Their Euro Peers
If banks don't trust each other, why should an investor? That was a troubling question for U.S. banks back in 2007 and 2008, and it is again pertinent as Europe founders.
 She set out to analyze the omissions. By examining a random sample of 10 percent of the words in the four-volume Burchfield supplement and comparing those entries with those in the 1933 supplement, she concluded that Dr. Burchfield deleted 17 percent of words that she broadly categorized as borrowed from regional dialects of English or coming from another language. Among his favorite targets were American words that had crept into the dictionary, like frog-pond and seed-cake, and other foreign-sounding words like danchi (Bengali for a tropical shrub) and boviander (from British Guiana for people of mixed race who live on river banks).
 她開始分析這些刪略的內容。她從伯奇菲爾德編纂的四卷附錄中隨機抽取10%的詞條與1933年版本的附錄進行對比,之後得出結論,伯奇菲爾德刪除了 17%她大致歸類為從英語方言或是其他語言來的詞。他刪除最多的,是慢慢被收入詞典的美國詞,比如“frog-pond”(青蛙池塘)和“seed- cake”(一種加入植物籽實烘焙的麵包)以及其他一些聽起來像外語的詞,比如“danchi”(孟加拉語,熱帶灌木叢)以及“boviander”(英 屬幾內亞語,指濱河而居的混血人種)。

The Boston Common Frog Pond

www.bostonfrogpond.com/ - Cached
The Boston Common Frog Pond is nestled in the heart of America's oldest public park. The Frog Pond is a special jewel of the City of Boston offering a place to ...


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[pə'ːrtənənt]
[形]((形式))〈事・物・言動が〉適切[妥当]な;(当面の問題に)関係がある((to ...))
pertinent details
His comments were pertinent to the issue.
-nence, -nen・cy
[名]創設[創始, 設立]者;基金寄付者;(風習などの)元祖, 開祖 a founder member((英))設立関係者(((米))founding [charter] member).

  • 発音記号[fáundər]
1 〈船が〉浸水して沈む.
2 〈事業・計画などが〉失敗する, 破たんする;〈人が〉ひどい目にあう.
3 〈建物が〉倒壊する;〈土地が〉陥没[沈下]する.
4 〈馬が〉馬蹄(ばてい)炎にかかる.
1 〈船を〉浸水沈没させる
2 〈馬を〉(馬蹄炎で)倒れさす.

under fire
Criticized or held responsible, as in The landlord is under fire for not repairing the roof. This expression originally referred to being within range of enemy guns; its figurative use dates from the late 1800s.


Syllabification: pond
Pronunciation: /pänd



[with object] Back to top  
  • 1hold back or dam up (flowing water or another liquid) to form a small lake.
  • 1.1 [no object] (of flowing water or other liquids) form a small lake: (as noun ponding) where a path goes down into a dip, you’ll have to ensure that ponding doesn’t occur


Middle English: alteration of 3) in Oxford Dictionaries (US English)">pound3, commonly used in dialect in the same sense.
