2013年2月7日 星期四

missy, an attack of vertigo, paramedic

The police chief arrived with paramedics, Burdon was taken to the hospital. Burdon suffered an attack of vertigo and is recovering.
But Burdon and Mitchell, who have known each other for years, both said Missy is their hero.


vertigo:名詞,眩暈。例句:Looking out of the window still gives him vertigo.(從窗口向外望仍會使他眩暈。)

IN BRIEF: A person trained in medical work assisting a physician.

pronunciation The paramedic cared for the man injured in the car accident.
n. Informal, pl., -ies.
Used as a familiar term of address for a young woman or girl.

vertigo (noun) A reeling sensation; a feeling that you are about to fall.
Synonyms:dizziness, lightheadedness, giddiness
Usage:He began to sway from side to side, as from vertigo, and before I could spring from my chair to support him his knees gave way.
