2016年7月26日 星期二

workaday, off duty, Sergeant at Arms,

Hillary Clinton is the official candidate of the Democractic Party. Scandal-dogged, distrusted and divisive, a workaday campaigner with a style and résumé at odds with her party’s humour, she is not ideal. Yet all this may hardly matter. Our briefing from April
An establishment grande dame as president

Masters of the cyber-universe
CHINA’S SOPHISTICATED HACKERS may be the terror of the Earth, but in fact most of their attacks are rather workaday. America and Russia have hackers at least as...

Remembering Fleming, Ian Fleming
Ian Fleming’s workaday approach to writing is among the revelations drawing crowds of James Bond lovers to an exhibition at the Imperial War Museum in London.

adjective [before noun]
ordinary; not unusual:
Compared to the extravagance and glamour of last winter's clothes, this season's collection look simple, almost workaday.
an escape from the workaday world

(adjective) Being a part of general human experience; ordinary.
Synonyms:everyday, mundane, quotidian, routine, unremarkable
Usage:Now and then, in this workaday world, things do happen in the delightful storybook fashion, and what a comfort it is.
  1. 1.
    not special, unusual, or interesting; ordinary.
    "your humble workaday PC"
  2. 2.
    relating to work or one's job.
    "the workaday world of timecards and performance reviews"

陳錫蕃:國會若設糾儀長 不再有打架
【1/23 16:55】


陳錫蕃20日在國民黨中常會建議比照美國參眾議院設置糾儀長(Sergeant at Arms),維護國會議場秩序。這項建議,國民黨昨天主動公開後,引發朝野熱烈討論。

對於有人質疑國情不同,國民黨秘書長金溥聰認為,對於妨害民主政治進步的國會亂象,「大家不應該像3 隻猴子一樣,矇著眼睛,摀著嘴巴,掩住耳朵,裝作沒有聽到,沒有看到,也不敢講。」



他說,台灣的民主政治來自西方,西方國家的優點,台灣有採納,但是大家是否想過,「為什麼人家不打架呢?」建議訂定「立法院議場秩序維持法」,增設 1名官員,仿效美國的「糾儀長」,奉國會議長之命來維持議場秩序。


至於有立委認為,如果國會真要討論是否設置糾儀長,恐怕得先幹1 架再說。對此,陳錫蕃認為,遲早要面對這個問題,如果真要打架,這應該就是最後1架。打完之後,應該就不會再有打架了。糾儀長絕對是長治久安的制度設計。


A Sergeant at Arms (sometimes spelled Serjeant at Arms) is an officer appointed by a deliberative body, usually a legislature, to keep order during its meetings. The word sergeant is derived from the Latin serviens, which means "servant".

Sergeant at Arms

IN BRIEF: Officer of court whose duty it is to preserve order.

The House of Representatives and Senate each elect a sergeant at arms to enforce the rules and regulations and to oversee the protection of members, staff, and visitors. On April 7, 1789, the Senate elected James Mathers as its doorkeeper, to guard the doors of the chamber, which were kept closed and barred to the public during early debates. On May 12, 1789, the House elected Joseph Wheaton as sergeant at arms, taking that title from the equivalent post in the British House of Commons. In 1798 the Senate, too, adopted the title of sergeant at arms.

The first sergeant at arms purchased firewood to heat the chambers in winter and guarded the chambers during the months when Congress was in recess. These functions have expanded over time. Today the Senate sergeant at arms supervises much of the maintenance of the Senate wing of the Capitol and office buildings and supervises a wide assortment of staff members, from computer specialists to janitors, carpenters, and barbers. The House assigns these functions differently, placing many of them under the clerk of the House, the doorkeeper, and the director of non-legislative services.

The House sergeant at arms carries the mace (silver rods lashed together and topped by a silver eagle), which is the symbol of the authority of the House. If debate grows heated and disorderly, the sergeant at arms lifts the mace high to remind members to restore order.

The House and Senate have also authorized their sergeants at arms to “arrest” absent members to bring them to the chambers to establish a quorum, the minimum number of members needed to conduct business. The sergeants at arms serve on the Capitol Police Board to oversee policing of the Capitol complex. They supervise parking, and they maintain crowd control during political demonstrations at the Capitol. The sergeants at arms have also become protocol officers who greet official visitors and lead processions of members at Presidential inaugurations, State of the Union messages, and other joint sessions and ceremonial meetings.
See also Capitol Police; Doorkeepers; Mace of the House of Representatives; Officers of the House and Senate; Quorum
  • Robert C. Byrd, “Sergeant at Arms”,” in The Senate, 1789–1989: Addresses on the History of the United States Senate, vol. 2 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1991)
