2012年11月21日 星期三

lend a hand, Imagologie

France lends Greece a hand
France and Germany are working together on a possible plan to help Greece resolve its budget problems, according to a person close to French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Some small-business owners, overwhelmed by the time commitment required of marketing their products and services via social media, are hiring consultants to lend a hand.

 您好!本會與輔仁大學合辦之第三屆東亞比較文學會議將於二○○九年十二月十二至十三日(週六、週日)舉行,大會主題為 "Literary Imagologie in East Asia: East Asian Images of Each Other "

The study of the phenomenon of literary images of each other in East Asia is still at an early stage of development, unlike in Europe, where Imagologie had an important role in the establishment of Comparative Literature as an academic discipline. This conference will bring together scholars from East Asia and elsewhere who are working on the conference theme.

lend a hand

Also, lend a helping hand. Be of assistance, as in Can you lend them a hand with putting up the flag, or Peter is always willing to lend a helping hand around the house. [Late 1500s]
