2012年6月2日 星期六

invest as, adorn, unadornedly, promenade,

Take a Play, Then Adorn It With Opera

Sara Krulwich/The New York Times
“The Fairy Queen,” a semi-opera at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, features a play presented in spoken text, with songs, choruses and dance interspersed within each act.

Great men in the winter of their lives often treat the writing of their memoirs as a kind of victory lap, but whatever J. M. Coetzee is after in this third volume of his genre-bending auto­biography, it is not self-­congratulation. The first two volumes, unadornedly titled “Boyhood” and “Youth” (and, in contrast to this one, labeled nonfiction), were marked by Coetzee’s decision to write about himself in the third person.

Forty years ago today, England's heir apparent, Charles, was officially invested as Prince of Wales.

Bernard Pivot invested as an Honorary Officer of the Order of Canada. May 7, 2008. OTTAWA – Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, ...

Photo Essay
Last Dance: American Proms by Gillian Laub
For kids and communities across America, prom night is both an enduring rite of passage and a sign of the times. This April,...


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[prɑ'm | prɔ'm]
1 ((米))(高校・大学の)学年末大dancing party ダンスパーティー. ▼junior prom, senior promという.
2 ((英略式))(海岸の)遊歩道.
3 ((英略式))プロムナードコンサート;((the 〜s))一連のプロムナードコンサート.

v., -vest·ed, -vest·ing, -vests. v.tr.
  1. To commit (money or capital) in order to gain a financial return: invested their savings in stocks and bonds.
    1. To spend or devote for future advantage or benefit: invested much time and energy in getting a good education.
    2. To devote morally or psychologically, as to a purpose; commit: “Men of our generation are invested in what they do, women in what we are (Shana Alexander).
  2. To endow with authority or power.
  3. To install in office with ceremony: invest a new emperor.
  4. To endow with an enveloping or pervasive quality: “A charm invests a face/Imperfectly beheld” (Emily Dickinson).
  5. To clothe; adorn.
  6. To cover completely; envelop.
  7. To surround with troops or ships; besiege. See synonyms at besiege.
To make investments or an investment: invest in real estate.
[From Italian investire and from French investir, both from Latin investīre, to clothe, surround : in-, in; see in–2 + vestīre, to clothe (from vestis, clothes).]
investable in·vest'a·ble adj.
investor in·ves'tor n.


1 〈人・物を〉(…で)飾る, 装飾する((with ...)). ⇒DECORATE[類語]
adorn a room with flowers
adorn oneself with jewels
2 …を魅力的[印象的]にする;…の美しさを引き立てる
the sincerity which adorns his personality
3 〈人が〉〈場所・行事などに〉(臨席して)彩[花]を添える.
[ラテン語adōrnāre(ad-へ+ōrnāre装飾する). ōrnāreの原義は「整頓する」. △ORNAMENT, ORDINANCE
tr.v., a·dorned, a·dorn·ing, a·dorns.
  1. To lend beauty to: "the pale mimosas that adorned the favorite promenade" (Ronald Firbank).
  2. To enhance or decorate with or as if with ornaments: "[He] requires the presence of titles to legitimate and adorn . . . his imperfect status" (Cynthia Ozick).
[Middle English adornen, from Old French adourner, from Latin adōrnāre : ad-, ad- + ōrnāre, to decorate.]
adorner a·dorn'er n.


  1. Without addition, decoration, or qualification: bald, bare, dry, plain, simple, unvarnished. See plain/fancy.
  2. Of a plain and unsophisticated nature: artless, homely, homespun, natural, rustic, unpolished. See plain/fancy.
