2023年2月1日 星期三

dissect, dissection, Dissector of Old Money, aortic dissection, Memes, Rants and Echo Chamber

  1. 022


Life as Instant Replay, Over and Over Again


While the real-time Web presents events as they happen, the "replay Web" supplies discussions and dissections in the aftermath.

Dissecting Elon Musk’s Tweets: Memes, Rants and Echo Chamber

剖析 Elon Musk 的推文:模因、咆哮和回音室


Syllabification: (dis·sect)
Pronunciation: /diˈsekt, dī-/
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[with object]
  • methodically cut up (a body, part, or plant) in order to study its internal parts.
  • analyze (something) in minute detail:novels that dissect our obsession with cities and urban angst



Pronunciation: /-tər/


late 16th century: from Latin dissect- 'cut up', from the verb dissecare, from dis- 'apart' + secare 'to cut'

大動脈解離大動脈乖離とも、だいどうみゃくかいり、Aortic dissection)とは、なんらかのきっかけによって、3層構造を作っている大動脈のうち真ん中の層の膜(中膜)に血流が入り込んでしまい、層構造が別々に剥がれていく(解離してしまう)病気である。解離によって生じた空間は仮性動脈瘤となるため、大動脈瘤の一種として分類されることがあり、別名を解離性大動脈瘤と言う。
Aortic dissection
Classification and external resources
Dissection of the aorta descendens (3), which starts from the left subclavian artery, reaching to the abdominal aorta (4). Aorta ascendens (1) and aortic arch (2) are not involved.
ICD-10 I71.0
ICD-9 441.0
DiseasesDB 805
MedlinePlus 000181
eMedicine emerg/28
Aortic dissection is a tear in the wall of the aorta that causes blood to flow between the layers of the wall of the aorta and force the layers apart.[1] Aortic dissection is a medical emergency and can quickly lead to death, even with optimal treatment. If the dissection tears the aorta completely open (through all three layers), massive and rapid blood loss occurs. Aortic dissections resulting in rupture have an 80% mortality rate, and 50% of patients die before they even reach the hospital. If the dissection reaches 6 cm, the patient must be taken for emergency surgery. [2]
