2020年6月12日 星期五

in the herd, dissipated, tragedy of errors

Woman mistakes super glue for eye drops and ends up with stuck eyelid: http://abcn.ws/1VHhfFJ
Experts say glue will likely dissipate over time.

影片對白翻譯the herd tragedy of errors
最近在電視影片看到兩詞,一個比較容易,即in the herd 翻譯成「牛群中(最奇特的…..)」,顯然錯誤,請參考下述字典資料:
━━ n. (牛馬などの)群, 獣の群; (the ~) 群衆, 民衆; 集団.
━━ vi. 群がる ((with, together)).
herd instinct 群居本能.

herd group noun [C]
1 a large group of animals of the same type that live and feed together:
a herd of cattle/elephants/goats
2 MAINLY DISAPPROVING a large group of people that is considered together as a group and not separately:
Poor Janine - she just follows the herd (= does what all the other people are doing).
    1. A large number of people; a crowd: a herd of stranded passengers.
    2. The multitude of common people regarded as a mass: “It is the luxurious and dissipated who set the fashions which the herd so diligently follow” (Henry David Thoreau). See synonyms at flock1.

dissipate verb [I or T] FORMAL
to (cause to) gradually disappear or waste:
The heat gradually dissipates into the atmosphere.
His anger dissipated as the situation became clear.

spending too much time enjoying physical pleasures and harmful activities such as drinking too much alcohol:
He recalled his dissipated youth spent in nightclubs and bars.

noun [U] FORMAL
━━ vt. 散らす; (不安などを)晴らす; 浪費する; 使い果たす.
━━ vi. 消える; 放蕩
dis・si・pat・ed ━━ a. 放蕩な.
dis・si・pa・tion ━━ n.
dis・si・pa・tive structure 【物】散逸構造
第二個是007之一片,我們的007改莎士比亞『錯中錯:是喜是悲』 (comedy of errors ) tragedy of errors,意思說,他犯了找錯房子等錯誤,真悲劇也!不過在影片中不能加注,所以難譯…….
A comedy of errors is dramatic work (often a play) that is light and often humorous or satirical in tone, in which the action usually features a series of comic instances of mistaken identity, and which typically culminates in a happy resolution of the thematic conflict.
William Shakespeare wrote such a play, appropriately entitled The Comedy of Errors.
Many modern television situation comedies use comedy of errors as a standard plot device, often in every episode. Three's Company is considered a classic example of such a sitcom.
