2016年4月30日 星期六

all-out, breakaway, a hail of sth, hailstorm, call-out


1 Minute of All-Out Exercise May Have Benefits of 45 Minutes of Moderate Exertion


Sixty seconds of intense exercise provided the benefits of three-quarters of an hour of moderate cycling.

MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 29 -- John McCain's advisers predicted weeks ago that the presumptive Republican nominee would use his national convention week to try to recapture his image as a maverick reformer and shake up the presidential race. He did just that Friday with his surprise choice of Alaska Gov....
(By Dan Balz, The Washington Post)

An All-Out Battle for Women's Votes Begins
(By Juliet Eilperin and Anne Kornblut, The Washington Post)

In 1984, Walter Mondale's choice of Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate shattered a glass ceiling as old as the republic, thrilled feminists and helped create a gender gap among voters that has aided Democrats ever since. That was 24 years before another woman, Sarah Palin, was named to a national...
(By Juliet Eilperin and Anne Kornblut, The Washington Post)

Russian forces battle Georgians

Russia engages in fierce clashes in Georgia's breakaway South Ossetia region, reports say, amid fears of all-out war

The latest clash in Gaza had been building since Wednesday, when Israel hit a van carrying five Hamas members thought to be planning an attack inside the country, setting off a hailstorm of rockets and mortars from militants in Gaza.

a hailstorm這用法比較不常見.....
Almost 900 students have been buried by collapsed buildings during an earthquake in south-western China, state media reports.
President Hu Jintao urged "all-out" efforts to rescue victims of the quake, which hit 92km (57 miles) from Chengdu, Sichuan's provincial capital.

The Washington Post leads with, and the WSJ newsbox mentions, Obama's stern warnings to mayors: he'll call them out if they misuse their bailout money. The president's "salvo" was the first step in a campaign to assure the nation that the $787 billion will not go to waste.

1. Summon into action or service, as in The governor called out the militia[Mid-1400s]
2. Challenge to a fight, as in To avenge the insult, Arthur called him out. This term originated with dueling and is dying out. [Early 1800s]

all-out Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
complete and with as much effort as possible:
We made an all-out effort to get the project finished on time.

hail (ICE) Show phonetics
noun [U]
1 small hard balls of ice which fall from the sky like rain

2 a hail of sth a lot of similar things or remarks, thrown or shouted at someone at the same time:
a hail of bullets
The Prime Minister was greeted with a hail of insults as she arrived at the students' union.

hail Show phonetics
verb [I]
If it hails, small hard balls of ice fall from the sky like rain.

WordNet: hailstorm 
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: a storm during which hail falls

n. - 下得很大的冰雹

hail━━ n. あられ, ひょう; あられのように降るもの (a ~ of questions 質問のあらし).
━━ v. あられ[ひょう]が降る; あられのように降る, あびせる ((down)).
 hail・stone ひょう.
 hail・storm ひょうを伴うあらし.

breakaway Show phonetics
noun [C]
an act of separation from a group, especially because of disagreement:
The sports association accepted the inevitability of a breakaway by the elite clubs.
The breakaway group formed a new political party.
