2020年2月2日 星期日

palindrome 02022020, recurring, disregard, recurrent, figural recurrence, chiasmus

Jiayan Mi
今天是02/02/2020, 909年才出一次的回文日期,全球病毒蔓延, 肯定是个凶兆的日期/02/02/2020 Today is — the first palindrome day in 909 years! Cronoavirus is spreading around the globe, so this number must be an extremely bad omen!

"Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half of the time."

E. B. White on “he Meaning of Democracy”
In a piece from the July 3, 1943, issue of The New Yorker, E. B. White responded to a request from the Writers’ War Board.

Joyce on George Meredith

Western Europe was the setting for much of Dr. Gay’s work and Freud was a recurring subject. An urbane and nonbelieving Jew, like Freud, Dr. Gay found in him not only a compelling life and body of work, but an approach to history. 

recurrent colliers.

When I had the honour of being made President of the Mathematical Association, I did not foresee the unusual responsibility which it entailed. It was my intention to take as the theme of a presidential address the consideration of some aspect of those special subjects to which my own researches have principally been directed. Events have forced me to abandon that intention. It is useless to discuss abstract questions in the midst of dominant practical preoccupation. We cannot disregard the present crisis in European civilization. It affects every function of life. In the harder struggle for existence which lies before the nation, all departments of national effort will be reviewed for judgment. The mere necessity for economy of resources will provoke this reformation.

IBM’s diverse portfolio of information technology (IT) solutions, services and steady base of recurring revenue is expected to provide the company with the competitive edge to weather the current global financial crisis.

HC: "figural recurrence" 的直譯是"修辭格--或比喻的--重提/重述"。

漢學家Andrew H. Plaks *的文學術語 "figural recurrence" 


   "figural recurrence"譯成:"形象迭見"  ,未附原文, p.131

The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature: From 1375

Kang-i Sun Chang, ‎Stephen Owen - 2010 - ‎Chinese literature
... critics alike have noticed that the novel is constructed out of carefully constructed patterns of repetition or, to borrow a term used by Plaks, "figural recurrence.

前後呼應法 .....
   "figural recurrence" 譯成:"形象再現法", 附原文 , p.139


Pronunciation: /rɪˈkʌrəns/ 


The fact of occurring again:a drug used to prevent the recurrence of breast cancer[COUNT NOUN]: fifty-two patients had recurrences of intestinal problems


melanoma黑色素瘤是一种主要在皮肤的恶性黑色素细胞肿瘤。是皮肤癌中罕见的一种,但恶性程度高,是皮肤癌的主要死亡原因之一[1]。目前唯一有效的治疗方法是在肿瘤厚度小于1毫米时手术切除肿瘤[2] 。

murdrum (MUR-drum)

1. The killing of a human being in a secret manner.
2. The fine payable to the king by the hundred where such a killing occurred, unless the killer was produced or the victim proved to be a Saxon.

From Medieval Latin, from Old French, murdre, murder.

"[F]or the unsolved murders of Frenchmen, they inflicted a particularly punitive version of the long-lasting murdrum fine ..." — Saint George for England. Rebecca Colman, Saint George for England, Contemporary Review, Apr 1997. Did you notice that today's word is a palindrome? Two other palindromic words have made the AWAD list so far: minim and Nauruan. -Anu


Occur again periodically or repeatedly:when the symptoms recurred, the doctor diagnosedsomething different(as adjective recurringa recurring theme

(Of a thought, image, or memory) come back to one’s mind:Oglethorpe’s words kept recurring to him
(recur to) Go back to (something) in thought or speech:the book remained a favourite and she constantlyrecurred to it
━━ vi. (-rr-) (話が)前に戻る ((to)); 回想する, (考えが)再び浮ぶ ((to)); 再発する, 繰返す; 【数】循環する.
re・cur・rence ━━ n. 再発; 回想; 元へ戻ること.
 ━━ a. 回帰[再発,循環]する.
re・cur・rent・ly ad.
re・cur・ring ━━ a. 繰り返し起こる; 循環する.
recurring decimal 【数】循環小数.
re・cur・sion ━━ n. 【コンピュータ】再帰, 反復; 【数】帰納.
recursion formula 【数】帰納式, 回帰公式.
re・cur・sive ━━ a. 【コンピュータ】再帰的な.
recursive call 【コンピュータ】再帰的呼び出し, リカーシブ・コール.
recursive procedure 【コンピュータ】再帰的手続き.

recurring Show phonetics
adjective (ALSO recurrent)
The father-daughter relationship is a recurring theme in her novels.
For much of his life he suffered from recurring bouts of depression.
LeFanu suffered all his life from a recurrent nightmare that he was trapped in a falling house.

noun [C or U]
The doctor told him to go to the hospital if there was a recurrence of his symptoms.re·cur·rent (rĭ-kûr'ənt, -kŭr'-pronunciation
  1. Occurring or appearing again or repeatedly.
  2. Anatomy. Turning in a reverse direction. Used of blood vessels and nerves.
recurrently re·cur'rent·ly adv.


(păl'ĭn-drōm') pronunciation

. - 回文 A word, phrase, verse, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward. For example: A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!

palindrome, a word (like deed, , eye, or tenet) that remains the same if read backwards; or a sentence or verse in which the order of letters is the same reading backwards or forwards, disregarding punctuation and spaces between words: Madam, I'm Adam.

A segment of double-stranded DNA in which the nucleotide sequence of one strand reads in reverse order to that of the complementary strand.縺向相反而鹼序相同或近於相同的DNA的構造;迴折
[From Greek palindromos, running back again, recurring : palin, again + dromos, a running.]
palindromic pal'in·dro'mic (-drō'mĭk, -drŏm'ĭk) adj.

張華 上

 …a rhetorical or literary figure in which words, grammatical constructions, or concepts are repeated in reverse order

tr.v., -gard·ed, -gard·ing, -gards.
  1. To pay no attention or heed to; ignore.
  2. To treat without proper respect or attentiveness.
Lack of thoughtful attention or due regard.

disregarder dis're·gard'er n.
disregardful dis're·gard'ful adj. recur Show phonetics
verb [I] -rr-
to happen many times or to happen again:
The theme of freedom recurs throughout her writing.
If the pain/problem/trouble, etc. recurs, come and see me.
