2013年7月11日 星期四

Circumlocution (Office), resemble, spookily sentient

House Republicans Balk Over Senate Immigration Bill

Republicans indicated they would not take up anything resembling the Senate bill, putting in jeopardy the future of sweeping legislation that includes a path to citizenship.

a slow-moving mass circumlocution

Google Battles Bad Spellers
New York Times (blog)
By BRAD STONE Finishing your sentences, correcting misspellings — Google is either coming to resemble a spookily sentient computer intelligence, ...

spook·y (spū') pronunciation
adj. Informal, -i·er, -i·est.
  1. Suggestive of ghosts or a ghost; eerie.
  2. Easily startled; skittish.
spookily spook'i·ly adv.
spookiness spook'i·ness n.

re·sem·ble (rĭ-zĕm'bəl) pronunciation
tr.v., -bled, -bling, -bles.
To exhibit similarity or likeness to.

[Middle English resemblen, from Old French resembler : re-, re- + sembler, to appear (from Latin simulāre, to imitate , from similis, like).]
resembler re·sem'bler n.

2007/11/04再翻 Little Dorrit『小杜麗』金紹禹譯 下 之第24章
對於sofa或 couch (一處)的翻譯處理

插圖說明兩頁 說各倫敦地區在C. D心中有象征作用

circumlocution (sur-kuhm-loh-kyooh-shuhn)
Roundabout speech or writing: “The driveway was not unlike that military training device known as an obstacle course” is a circumlocution for “The driveway resembled an obstacle course.” Circumlocution comes from Latin words meaning “speaking around.” (希臘文:usually known in literary terminology as periphrasis.)

只有台北大陸書局{英漢辭典}收Circumlocution Office – a name employed by Dickens in Little Dorrit to designate the wearisome routine of public business.

我原以為它翻譯三省堂的 可現在網路這本三省堂提供「EXCEED 英和辞典」無此

circum・loc・u・tion ━━ n. まわりくどい言い方; 言いのがれ.

翻 『小杜麗』金紹禹譯:retirement 2006-07-06
Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens

我採用一插圖當王教授「退休」(retirement--大陸或叫「離休」)的談笑之助:Mr. F’s aunt is conducted into retirement. p.153


retirement noun

━━ n. 退職, 引退; 隠遁(いんとん); 隠れ家; 片田舎; 退去.
1 [C or U] when you leave your job and stop working, usually because you are old:
Many teachers over the age of 50 are taking early retirement.
What is the normal retirement age in this country?

2 [U] the period in someone’s life after they have stopped working because they reached a particular age:
We wish you a long and happy retirement.

retirement community 〔米〕 (65歳以上の)高齢者居住地域 ((Florida州やCalifornia州に多い)).
retirement pension 〔英〕 退職年金.
retirement plan 個人[企業]年金計画.
