2024年1月19日 星期五

calamity, mind-bending, mind-altering, radicalised, mind-numbing, ineptitude, stymie, stigma, radicalism, radicalization

"There’s a great scene after Orlando has become a woman, as she sits impatiently onboard a ship, amazed by the stymying conventions imposed on her sex—the restrictive clothing, the enforced passivity. At one point, she twitches her skirts, and this brief vision of her leg almost causes a sailor to plunge from a mast, and she realizes the situation is actually worse than she thought, that her society is so repressed that the merest glimpse of a woman’s flesh can nearly murder a man…" —Joanna Kavenna, the author of ZED on ORLANDO by Virginia Woolf

Some 10,500 people in France are suspected of being radicalised. Only a fraction can be monitored closely

Xinjiang: Restrictions on religion leading to Uighur radicalization

A city in China's northwestern region of Xinjiang has banned people with veils, head scarves and long beards from boarding buses. Experts say attempts at repressing their culture are fuelling violence and extremism.

Got a Light? Olympic Torch Relay Seems Cursed to the Ends of the Earth
The torch relay leading to the Sochi Games, featuring the longest route in Olympic history, has had its share of ineptitude and misfortune.

How Therapy Can Help in the Golden Years
As Americans live longer and the stigma of psychological help diminishes, more elderly people are trying therapy to alleviate problems they face late in life.

To begin with the ambitious young politician went along with this consensus (see article). But the widespread notion that politics should be "the management of decline" made her blood boil. The ideas of Friedman and Hayek persuaded her that things could be different.

 Most of this radicalism was hidden from the British electorate that voted her into office in 1979, largely in frustration with Labour's ineptitude.

An investment fund backed by the Japanese government is considering joining domestic companies to buy a majority stake in Renesas Electronics to stymie a bid from U.S. investment firm KKR.

Aid stymied by damaged infrastructure
Despite a flood of aid from countries around the world, many Haitians remain desperate for food, clean water, shelter and medical care.

IBM undercuts Google with discount e-mail service
The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO — IBM Corp. is trying to stymie Google Inc.'s expansion into the business software market. IBM is now selling a bare-bones e-mail service to ...

Ahmadinejad's Conservative Foes Rally to Support Him
Despite street protests against his contested election victory, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is getting a boost from an unexpected corner: rebellious lawmakers who had stymied some of his economic initiatives.

Postponing Dial-Up's Demise
The demise of dial-up Internet access has been stymied as the recession has increased demand for a slower but cheaper way to surf the Web.

The Royalty Mess
A new report attributed failure at the Minerals Management Service agency not so much to ineptitude as to lazy management and ethical lapses.

For decades, journalists seeking Freedom of Information requests have been m
styied by agencies that flout the law through recalcitrance or ineptitude.
TimesSelect Descending to New Depths
New Orleans was brought to its knees by Hurricane Katrina, and is being kept there by a toxic combination of federal neglect and colossal, mind-numbing ineptitude at the local level.

Hurdles Stymie Counterterrorism Center
The National Counterterrorism Center is struggling with staffing flaws and internal cultural clashes, a study says.
Those who are trumpeting the alleged fact that the recession is over should consider that the unemployment rate in California in January (the last month for which complete statistics are available) was a mind-numbing 12.5 percent. That was the fifth worst in the nation. In eight California counties, the jobless rate — not the underemployment rate, mind you, but the official jobless rate — was higher than 20 percent. Those counties are suffering through a depression.

A bit of a bamboo-zler for some

Russian artist Ilja Klemencov has hidden a giant panda amongst black and white zig-zag lines in what appears to be the latest mind-altering puzzle…

My discomfort at having to make an offer put me to thinking that we often bungle our housing decisions. I am ever the champion of economic rationality, but even I would admit that there are exceptions. Buying a house is a rare event and the stakes are mind-bendingly high. Calamity is, therefore, always possible.

"Bungler, Stumper.""Nonentity," hodman



adj. Informal.
Intensely affecting the mind, especially to the extent of producing hallucinations.
mindbender mind'-bend'er n.
mindbendingly mind'-bend'ing·ly adv.

noun [C]
a serious accident or bad event causing damage or suffering:
A series of calamities ruined them - floods, a failed harvest and the death of a son.



/ˈmaɪndˌnʌm.ɪŋ/ adj
extremely boring
a mind-numbing task

mind-numbingly     adverb

/ˈmaɪndˌnʌm.ɪŋ.li/ adv
mind-numbingly boring

stymie verb [T often passive] stymieing INFORMAL
to prevent something from happening or someone from achieving a purpose:
tr.v., -mied (-mēd), -mie·ing, also -my·ing (-mē-ĭng), -mies (-mēz).
To thwart; stump: a problem in thermodynamics that stymied half the class.

  1. An obstacle or obstruction.
  2. Sports. A situation in golf in which an opponent's ball obstructs the line of play of one's own ball on the putting green.
[Origin unknown.]

he noun has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: a situation in golf where an opponent's ball blocks the line between your ball and the hole

stymie, -my[sty・mie, -my]

  • 発音記号[stáimi]
1 《ゴルフ》スタイミー:球とホールの間に障害物のある状態.
2 ((略式))困難な障害[状況, 問題].
1 《ゴルフ》((通例〜 -self))スタイミーの状態にする.
2 ((通例受身))((略式))…をじゃまする, 挫折(ざせつ)させる
be stymied for an answer
Meaning #2: a thwarting and distressing situation

The verb stymie has one meaning:
Meaning #1: hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of
Synonyms: obstruct, blockade, block, hinder, stymy, embarrass

not skilled or effective:
an inept comment/remark
He was always rather inept at sport.
He was criticized for his inept handling of the situation.
Dick was socially inept and uncomfortable in the presence of women.


having or showing no skill; clumsy:the referee’s inept handling of the match
noun [U]

political/social/economic ineptitude

━━ n. 全くの見当はずれ; 不能, 愚かさ; ばかげた行為[ことば].


n., pl., stig·ma·ta (stĭg-mä'tə, -măt'ə, stĭg'mə-), or stig·mas.
  1. A mark or token of infamy, disgrace, or reproach: "Party affiliation has never been more casual . . . The stigmata of decay are everywhere" (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.). See synonyms at stain.
  2. A small mark; a scar or birthmark.
  3. Medicine. A mark or characteristic indicative of a history of a disease or abnormality.
  4. Psychology. A mark or spot on the skin that bleeds as a symptom of hysteria.
  5. stigmata Bodily marks, sores, or sensations of pain corresponding in location to the crucifixion wounds of Jesus, usually occurring during states of religious ecstasy or hysteria.
  6. Biology. A small mark, spot, or pore, such as the respiratory spiracle of an insect or an eyespot in certain algae.
  7. Botany. The receptive apex of the pistil of a flower, on which pollen is deposited at pollination.
  8. Archaic. A mark burned into the skin of a criminal or slave; a brand.
[Middle English stigme, brand, from Latin stigma, stigmat-, tattoo indicating slave or criminal status, from Greek, tattoo mark, from stizein, stig-, to prick.]
stigmal stig'mal adj.

Erving Goffman
(born June 11, 1922, Manville, Alta., Can. — died Nov. 19, 1982, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.) Canadian-U.S. sociologist. Goffman taught principally at the Universities of California and Pennsylvania. He studied primarily face-to-face communication and related rituals of social interaction; his The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (1959) laid out the dramaturgical perspective he used in subsequent studies, such as Asylums (1961) and Stigma (1964). In Frame Analysis (1979) and Forms of Talk (1981), he focused on the ways people "frame" or define social reality in the communicative process. See also interactionism.

“污名”之成为社会科学中的一个核心概念要归功于戈夫曼。在本书中,戈夫曼将污名定义个体在人际关系中具有的某种令人“丢脸”的特征,这种特征使其拥有者 具有一种“受损身份”。作者分析了蒙受污名者的自我感受以及他们与“常人”问的微妙互动,重点阐述了蒙受污名者在人际互动中进行“信息控制”的各种技巧。


noun (plural stigmas or especially in sense 2 stigmata /-mətə, -ˈmɑːtə/)

  • 1a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person:the stigma of mental disorder to be a non-reader carries a social stigma
  • 2 (stigmata) (in Christian tradition) marks corresponding to those left on Christ’s body by the Crucifixion, said to have been impressed by divine favour on the bodies of St Francis of Assisi and others.
  • 3 Medicine a visible sign or characteristic of a disease: knee deformities or other stigmata of childhood rickets
  • a mark or spot on the skin.
  • 4 Botany (in a flower) the part of a pistil that receives the pollen during pollination.


late 16th century (denoting a mark made by pricking or branding): via Latin from Greek stigma 'a mark made by a pointed instrument, a dot'; related to stick1
