2024年2月25日 星期日

conflate, renegade,renege, kidnapping, centrist, bossnapping

Successful workplaces are usually characterised by good communication. But being a good communicator is too often conflated with another skill: https://econ.st/3OKPHiu
Illustration: Paul Blow
可能是 2 個人和顯示的文字是「 The science of conversation How to benefit from the chats you have at work H 7 」的圖形

The suit, filed Monday in federal court, alleges that Pompeo reneged on his promise that the State Department would cover the fees after Sondland delivered bombshell testimony.

Key impeachment witness Gordon Sondland sues Mike Pompeo and U.S. for $1.8 million in legal fees

Trump Is Prepared to Hit China With More Tariffs on Friday, Advisers Say

  • Emboldened by strength in the American economy, President Trump may prolong his monthslong trade war, his advisers said.
  • He was angered by China’s attempts to renege on previous commitments and insistence that the U.S. lift tariffs on $250 billion worth of imports.

Some French scholars of Islam consider it absurd to conflate the burkini with hard-line Islamism, not least because the latter would not permit women to bathe publicly in the first place
It may appear bizarre, or frivolous, to argue that women should bare more flesh

Today is Cinco de Mayo, the anniversary of Mexico's defeat of French forces at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. The French invaded after Mexico reneged on its debts -- something of a bad Mexican habit for the past 200 years.

The modernization of Japan “is a really interesting topic,” Bernardi adds. “It’s always been conflated with westernization, but that really doesn’t tell the whole story. There’s always been a modernization trend in Japan that’s really its own, based on indigenous forms of transformation. The war created a kind of artificial point in history; it’s taken a long time, but people are now able to see more continuities between post-war and pre-war Japan than they were able to before.”

Arundhati Roy, the Not-So-Reluctant Renegade

Labor unions are using the ol' "kidnap your boss" technique as a negotiating tool, and in most cases, it's working.

Evaluation and Improvement: Let’s Agree to Not Conflate

By Lee Nordstrum

Teacher evaluation has evolved markedly over the past four years.  In 2013, it is more common than not that teacher performance evaluation is determined, at least in part, by student achievement, whereas this was not the case just four years ago. This rapid evolution has been catalyzed in no small part by federal Race to the Top and Teacher Incentive Fund monies, as well as a national discourse that asserts that quality teaching must, by definition, raise student achievement. Unsurprisingly, consequent proliferation of evaluation systems has also yielded a great deal of variation in terms of system design, structure, and coherence.

There are numerous allegations against Mortenson. Beyond the 60 Minutes investigation that aired on April 17, they are detailed and documented by another best-selling author, Jon Krakauer (Into Thin Air), in an e-book published on April 18 by Byliner Originals (a company owned by John Tayman, the editor of TIME.com's Techland). Among several claims: that Mortenson conflated two towns in the Pakistani-ruled sector of Kashmir and reneged on a promise to the initial town he visited to confer on it the first school he built; that Mortenson transformed what was a warm, leisurely visit with frontier tribesmen in Pakistan into his kidnapping by Taliban, even though there were no Taliban in the area at the time; and being such an accountant's nightmare that internal auditors were afraid he would be liable for up to $23 million in back taxes for "excessive benefits" taken out of CAI funds. (See Afghanistan's graffiti wars.)THREE CUPS OF TEA: One Man’s Mission to Promote . ...

 The centrist fantasy of a Grand Bargain on the budget never had a chance. Even if some kind of bargain had supposedly been reached, key players would soon have reneged on the deal — probably the next time a Republican occupied the White House.
 中間派關於財政預算“大妥協”(Grand Bargain)的幻想從來不曾得到變成現實的機會。即便有了據說已經達成的某種協議,關鍵參與人員還是會很快背棄協議,很可能就在共和黨人下一次入主白宮的時候。

tr.v., -flat·ed, -flat·ing, -flates.
  1. To bring together; meld or fuse: "The problems [with the biopic] include . . . dates moved around, lovers deleted, many characters conflated into one" (Ty Burr).
  2. To combine (two variant texts, for example) into one whole.
[Latin cōnflāre, cōnflāt- : com-, com- + flāre, to blow.]
conflation con·fla'tion n.

[with object]
  • combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one:the urban crisis conflates a number of different economic, political, and social issues
Pronunciation: /-ˈfleɪʃ(ə)n/


late Middle English (in the sense 'fuse or melt down metal'): from Latin conflat- 'kindled, fused', from the verb conflare, from con- 'together' + flare 'to blow'

Pronunciation: /ˈrɛnɪgeɪd /NOUN1
  • A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles:an agent who later turns out to be a renegade
    • Let India reclaim itself from the criminals and outlaws, reprobates and renegades.
    • The expansion of Anglo-Norman lords in Ireland took place through alliances with Irishmen whom it is anachronistic to label renegades or traitors.
    • He didn't want a band of renegades looking to make trouble near his family.

renege   (rĭ-nĕg', -nĭg') pronunciation

v., -neged, -neg·ing, -neges. v.intr.
  1. To fail to carry out a promise or commitment: reneged on the contract at the last minute.
1Go back on a promiseundertaking, or contract:the government had reneged on its electionpromises
  1. Games. To fail to follow suit in cards when able and required by the rules to do so.
To renounce; disown.

The act of reneging.

[Medieval Latin renegāre, to deny. See renegade.]

reneger re·neg'er n.

reneged (過去形) • reneged (過去分詞) • reneging (現在分詞) • reneges (三人称単数現在)
1 ((形式))(人を)がっかりさせる;(約束を)破る((on ...)).
2 《トランプ》=revoke.


an act of abducting someone and holding them captive:the recent kidnapping of a Dutch industrialist
