2020年4月9日 星期四

politicize, political rhetoric, bridged the gulf, diss, apocalyptic, airpocalypse, howling, sketchy, to the end, ferret out, Warns Against Politicizing Virus

Global: W.H.O. Chief Warns Against Politicizing Virus

The police often appear to be guided less by the law than by gut prejudice and popular sentiment
Politicians seem to like it that way ECONOMIST.COM
India’s police are overstretched, poorly trained and politicised

With “Street Scene” Kurt Weill bridged the gulf between avant-garde European art and popular American entertainment

Time for a curtain call

“Street Scene” is an American masterpiece that has never quite won a secure place in the repertoire

Time for a curtain call

Turgenev Dissed Russia but Is Still Lionized as Literary Star by Touchy Kremlin

The Russian government celebrates the writer Ivan Turgenev even though it scorns many of his negative views of his homeland and his embrace of Western, liberal values.

Breathing Beijing’s air is the equivalent of smoking almost 40 cigarettes a day. Why China's "airpocalypse" is even worse than previously thoughthttp://econ.st/1IY0U47

It turns out men are far more inclined than women to diss shows that were never aimed at them in the first place.

Rhetoric Is Sharp to the End Candidates sharpened their arguments in the final day of the midterm-election campaign, with Democrats scrambling to stem expected losses and a top Republican advancing an attack against Obama.

Air Passenger Screening Draws New Scrutiny
This week's renewed global concern over how to ferret out dangerous air cargo comes as rhetoric also grows heated over another major area of airline safety, passenger screening.

7. Why Your Bank Is Broke

Sketchy loans, financial blunders and a string of bad bets have left America's banks nearly insolvent. How an industry collapsed--and why nationalization may be the only way to save it

The consequences of that scarcity probably won’t be apocalyptic: France consumes only half as much oil per capita as America, yet the last time I looked, Paris wasn’t a howling wasteland. But the odds are that we’re looking at a future in which energy conservation becomes increasingly important, in which many people may even — gasp — take public transit to work.

“Psychology isn’t liberal arts. It’s a science, dedicated to understanding human thought and behavior."
Students are using the hashtag ‪#‎ThisPsychMajor‬ to defend their degrees & discuss the accomplishments they’ve achieved with their education.

They're speaking up.

Reviewed by SUSANN COKAL
Jeanette Winterson’s novel imagines a post-apocalyptic future.

 (UK usually politicise)
 /pəˈlɪt.ɪ.saɪz/ US 

to make something or someone political, or more involved in or conscious of political matters:
The whole issue has become increasingly politicized.
highly politicized debate




Blend of air +‎ apocalypse


FireIcon.svg This English term is a hot word. Its inclusion on Wiktionary is provisional.
airpocalypse ‎(plural airpocalypses)
  1. (informal) The presence of dense smog in many parts of China

noun [S or U]
1 a very serious event resulting in great destruction and change:
The book offers a vision of the future in which there is a great nuclear apocalypse.

2 the Apocalypse in the Bible, the total destruction and end of the world 啟示錄

apocalyptic visions of a nuclear confrontation
apocalyptic warnings about our destruction of the environment


(ə-pŏk'ə-lĭp'tĭkalso apocalyptical (-tĭ-kəl)

  1. Of or relating to an apocalypse.
  2. Involving or portending widespread devastation or ultimate doom: “now speaks in apocalyptic terms about the probable conflict ahead” (Financial Times).
  3. Characterized by usually exaggerated predictions of or allusions to a disastrous outcome: “Stripped of its apocalyptic tone, what this amounts to is an advocacy of teaching names, dates and places by rote” (Stefan Kanfer).
  4. Of a revelatory or prophetic nature.

  dirty politics 例集
Owen Hsieh
國民黨主席吳敦義用不雅文字醜詆蔡總統,對總統不敬,可說是秀下限的選舉暗黑手法(a new low in dirty politics)
Mr. Wu shouldn't have dissed the President.
dis 或 diss 本來是黑人街頭俚語,指對人家不尊敬 disrespect,沒禮貌,現已收入 MacMillan 英文字典。
所謂的 dirty politics 包括:
ballot - box stuffing 作票
smear tactics 抹黑
mudslinging 誹謗、中傷
chicanery 強辯、鬼扯
unethical attacks 不道德的攻擊
character assassination 人格毀滅
dirty politics 並沒有適當的反義詞,英文並沒有
clean politics 這種說法,勉強要找相關的反義詞有 practical politics, smart politics 或 power politics


Pronunciation: /dɪs/ 

(also diss)informal VERB (dissesdissingdissed)
Speak disrespectfully to or criticize:I don’t like her dissing my friendsa campaign of forum postings and emails dissing the companymaybe you should stop dissing psychics and discover that part of yourself




1980s: abbreviation of disrespect.


1 [I] If a dog or wolf howls, it makes a long, sad sound:
In the silence of the night, a lone wolf howled.

2 [I or T] to make a loud sound, usually to express pain, sadness or another strong emotion:
An injured dog lay in the middle of the road, howling with/in pain.
We were howling with laughter.
FIGURATIVE The opposition howled down the government's proposal (= shouted loudly to express disapproval).

3 [I] If the wind howls, it blows hard and makes a lot of noise:
Is there someone outside, or is it just the wind howling in the trees?

1 [C] a long, loud, sad sound:
the howl of the wind in the trees
He leaves his dog shut up in the house all day, and we can hear its howls.
She let out a howl of pain.

2 [C usually plural] a strong expression of emotion, such as anger or dissatisfaction:
Plans to build a new supermarket have been greeted with howls of protest from local residents.

be a howling success to be very successful:
Neither film was a howling success.

A sketchy or brief prose work.

Of, relating to, or made of pastel.

noun [C]
1 a simple, quickly-made drawing which does not have many details:
My mother made a (pencil) sketch of my brother reading a book.

2 a short written or spoken story which does not have many details

verb [I or T]
to make a sketch of something:
The art students were told to sketch the landscape.
When I have some spare time, I like to sketch.
The artist has sketched out a design for the new school.

sketchy Show phonetics
containing few details:
So far we only have sketchy information about what caused the explosion.

rhet·o·ric (rĕt'ər-ĭk) pronunciation
    1. The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively.
    2. A treatise or book discussing this art.
  1. Skill in using language effectively and persuasively.
    1. A style of speaking or writing, especially the language of a particular subject: fiery political rhetoric.
    2. Language that is elaborate, pretentious, insincere, or intellectually vacuous: His offers of compromise were mere rhetoric.
  2. Verbal communication; discourse.
[Middle English rethorik, from Old French rethorique, from Latin rhētoricē, rhētorica, from Greek rhētorikē (tekhnē), rhetorical (art), feminine of rhētorikos, rhetorical, from rhētōr, rhetor. See rhetor.]

1 [U](効果的な話し方・書き方の技術としての)修辞法;修辞学;(ギリシャ・ローマ時代の)雄弁術, 説得術;((広義))文章法[術].
2 [U]雄弁, 弁舌の才.
3 [U][C]((しばしば軽蔑))美辞麗句(の使用), 大げさな[うわべだけ飾った]言葉;美文
empty rhetoric
4 修辞学書.
[ラテン語←ギリシャ語rhētorik (rhētōr話し家+-ik形容詞語尾)]ferret
  1. A weasellike, usually albino mammal (Mustela putorius furo) related to the polecat and often trained to hunt rats or rabbits.
  2. A black-footed ferret.

v., -ret·ed, -ret·ing, -rets. v.tr.
    1. To hunt (rabbits, for example) with ferrets.
    2. To drive out, as from a hiding place; expel.
  1. To uncover and bring to light by searching. Often used with out: "Their work merely points the way for others to ferret out the core components of all proteins" (Natalie Angier).
  2. To hound or harry persistently; worry.
  1. To engage in hunting with ferrets.
  2. To search intensively.
[Middle English furet, ferret, from Old French furet, from Vulgar Latin *fūrittus, diminutive of Latin fūr, thief.]
ferreter fer'ret·er n.
ferrety fer'ret·y adj.
