2016年7月2日 星期六

LOL, loll, whirling, Zeus, clubbers, triplet

Somebody took a tiger shark ultrasound and lol, it's triplets:http://www.theverge.com/…/120648…/congratulations-its-sharks

Christopher Smith for The New York Times
WATER WORLD Soaking in the jet streams on the roof at Inspa World in Queens.

Still, it was pretty cool: my stepson, Rory, and his buddies whirling endlessly around as I let the bubble jets pound my kidneys and tickle my feet, lolling back to watch the steam rising into the night and the jet planes drifting down into La Guardia, every once in a while lazily checking to make sure no one had drowned.

Cool | 21.08.2008 | 05:30
Whirling Arms the Latest Dance Phenomena

It all started in 2000, when clubbers in Paris started whirling their arms around, in a way never seen before –- fast and wildly. And so began "Tecktonic" -- a new dance style.

In the first study, 286 clubbers were observed while they were talking with loud music in the background. In total, 72% of interactions occurred on the right side of the listener. In the second study, researchers approached 160 clubbers and mumbled an inaudible, meaningless utterance and waited for the subjects to turn their head and offer either their left or their right ear. They then asked them for a cigarette.
在第一份研究中,研究人員觀察286名在吵雜的音樂聲中與人交談的夜店族。整 體而言,72%的互動都是發生在聆聽者的右邊。在第二份研究中,研究人員走向160名夜店族,在他們身邊發出聽不到,沒有意義的聲音,等待研究樣本轉過頭 來,用左耳或右耳聆聽。然後問他們有沒有菸。

Whirl is King, having driven out Zeus.


Pronunciation: /lɒl/ 


Laughing out loudlaugh out loud (used chiefly in electronic communication to draw attention to a joke or amusing statement, or to express amusement):love how you said ‘coffee is not my cup of tea’. LOL!


Pronunciation: /ˈtrɪplɪt/ 


1(usually triplets) One of three children or animals born at the same birth:she was expecting tripletsthe lamb was a triplet and small
2A set or succession of three similar things:a triplet of acesthe boxer’s jab came in triplets
2.1Music A group of three equal notes to be performed in the time of two or four.
2.2A set of three rhyming lines of verse.
3Physics & Chemistry An atomic or molecular state characterized by two unpaired electronswith parallel spins.
3.1A group of three associated lines close together in a spectrum or electrophoretic gel.


Mid 17th century: from triple, on the pattern of doublet.

clubber:名詞,常去夜店的人。hc評:此說法是指台灣的某些酒店 與洋人之clubber 意義不同

verb [I usually + adverb or preposition]
to lie, sit or hang down in a relaxed informal or uncontrolled way:
I spent most of the weekend lolling about/around on the beach.
a dog with its tongue lolling out ━━ v. だらりと寄りかかる[もたれさす]; (舌など)だらりと垂れる[垂らす] ((out)); のらくらする.

whirl (SPIN) Show phonetics
verb [I or T]
to (cause something to) spin round:
She saw a mass of bodies whirling round on the dance floor.
He stepped out into the night and the whirling snow.
He whirled her round until she felt quite sick.

whirl Show phonetics
noun [C usually singular]
when something spins round:
a whirl of snow
  1. The act of rotating or revolving rapidly.
  2. Something, such as a cloud of dust, that whirls or is whirled.
  3. A state of confusion; tumult.
  4. A swift succession or round of events: the social whirl.
  5. A state of mental confusion or giddiness; dizziness: My head is in a whirl.
  6. Informal. A short trip or ride.
  7. Informal. A brief or experimental try: Let's give the plan a whirl.
