2016年7月30日 星期六

nightly, reincarnate, cortege, insignia, Dean and Chapter

  1. 1050:
    The BBC's Jane Peel at Ludgate Circus says: "It is absolutely packed here, not just with protesters, but with many hundreds of supporters, trying to drown out the sound of protests with clapping."
    "There is clearly some dissent here, but this was meant to be the place where some protest was allowed to take place."
  2. 1049:
    The Queen
    The Queen is welcomed by the Dean and Chapter of St Paul's.
  3. 1048:
    A gun is firing every minute from the Tower of London during the procession.
  4. 1047:
    Outside St Paul's, the BBC's Gerry Holt says: "Office workers are now craning their necks from every open window in the area. The interest is certainly building as Lady Thatcher's funeral cortege makes it's way along the processional route."

Lady Thatcher's son Mark, daughter Carol, their partners and her grandchildren, arrive at St Pauls's to take their seats, as the gun carriage bearing the coffin is carried along Fleet Street.

Walking in front of the coffin are Baroness Thatcher's grandchildren, Michael and Amanda Thatcher.
They are carrying the insignia of the Order of the Garter and the Order of Merit, awarded to their grandmother.

“Sleep is the most moronic fraternity in the world, with the heaviest dues and the crudest rituals. It is a mental torture I find debasing... I simply cannot get used to the nightly betrayal of reason, humanity, genius.” 

He is to be buried in the cemetery of his Zen Mountain Monastery in Mount Tremper, where each year a “Hungry Ghost” ceremony honors the dead. In 49 days, according to Buddhist belief, he will be reincarnated.

As America has become more tolerant of homosexuality, abortion has been left standing as the prime insignia of affiliation in the culture wars that have raged for decades http://econ.st/1FriHO5

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (VS08) is the current incarnation of the company's long line of IDEs.


Pronunciation: /ˈnʌɪtli/ 


1Happening or done every night:his nightly TV talk show
2Happening, done, or existing in the night:badgers in gardens on their regular nightly wanderings


Every night:the hotel features live music nightly



Pronunciation: /ɪnˈkɑːnət/ 
1(Especially of a deity or spirit) embodied in human form:God incarnate
1.1[POSTPOSITIVE] Represented in the most fundamental or extreme form:here is capitalism incarnate


Pronunciation: /ˈɪnkɑːneɪt/ 
 Pronunciation: /ɪnˈkɑːneɪt/ 
1Embody or represent (a deity or spirit) in human form:the idea that God incarnates himself in man
1.1Put (a concept or quality) into concrete form:a desire to make things which will incarnate their personality
1.2(Of a person) be the living embodiment of (a quality):the man who incarnates the pain of the entire community


Late Middle English: from ecclesiastical Latin incarnat- 'made flesh', from the verb incarnare, from in- 'into' + carocarn- 'flesh'.


━━ a. 肉体を備えた; 人の姿をした, 化身の; (抽象概念が)具体化された.
━━  vt. 肉体を与える, 化身させる ((in, as)); …の化身[権化(ごんげ)]である, 典型である; ((普通受身で)) 具体[具現]化する ((in, as)).
 in・car・na・tion ━━ n. 化身, 権化, (輪廻(りんね)中の)一時期(の姿); 典型; 具体化; (the I-) 神性がキリストの肉体に宿ったこと, 託身.


━━ vt. (霊魂に)再び肉体を与える, 生れ変らせる, 化身させる ((as)).
━━  a. 生れ変った.
 ━━ n. (霊魂の)再生, 化身.



  • 1a main division of a book, typically with a number or title: we will deal with this in chapter eleven
  • an Act of Parliament numbered as part of a session’s proceedings.
  • a section of a treaty: a majority voted for the inclusion of the social chapter in the treaty
  • 2a distinctive period in history or in a person’s life:the people are about to begin a new chapter in their history
  • a series or sequence:the latest episode in a chapter of problems
  • 3 the governing body of a religious community or knightly order: land granted by the Dean and Chapter of St Paul’s Cathedral 
    3 《教会》
    (1) 修道院修士会;司教座聖堂参事会;((集合的))管区[教会]代表団.
    (2) (詩篇(しへん)のあとに読む)聖書抜節.
  • 4chiefly North American a local branch of a society: a leaflet was issued by the local chapter of the American Cancer Society
  • a local group of Hell’s Angels.


  • 1the head of the chapter of a cathedral or collegiate church.
  • (also rural dean, area dean) British a member of the clergy exercising supervision over a group of parochial clergy within a division of an archdeaconry.
  • 2the head of a university faculty or department or of a medical school.
  • (in a college or university, especially Oxford or Cambridge) a senior member of a college, with disciplinary and advisory functions.


Middle English: from Old French deien, from late Latin decanus 'chief of a group of ten', from decem 'ten'. Compare with doyen

noun (plural same or insignias)

  • a distinguishing badge or emblem of military rank, office, or membership of an organization:a khaki uniform with colonel’s insignia on the collar the royal insignia of Scotland
  • a sign or token of something:the ruins are devoid of moss and ivy, the romantic insignia of age and decay


mid 17th century: from Latin, plural of insigne 'sign, badge of office', neuter of insignis 'distinguished (as if by a mark)', from in- 'towards' + signum 'sign'

[名](複 〜, 〜s)((通例単数扱い))(官職・階級などを示す)記章, バッジ;(名誉の)しるし;(一般に)しるし
an insignia of rank


cor • tege, -tège
kɔːrtéʒ | -téiʒ
corteges (複数形)
1 ((単数・複数扱い))(特に葬儀・儀式の)行列.
2 ((集合的))供ぞろい, 従者たち, 随員, 供奉(ぐぶ)員.

2016年7月28日 星期四

feckless wuss, predestination, tram

英文很複雜。此則"新聞"中的"wuss" ,是20世紀70年代的俗語。
"身不由己,動必循規,只許作有軌電車,欲求為公共汽車而不可得。( An engine that moves/ In predestinate grooves,/ I'm not even a bus, I am a tram. )(《管錐篇》第930頁 )"
當時查原詩,有一行 "I must choose between better and wuss"
今天想/查,這wuss (M19--19世紀中葉) 是(=)worse

The president is far from the feckless wuss portrayed by his critics. But neither is he a master of grand strategy

身不由己,動必循規,只許作有軌電車,欲求為公共汽車而不可得。An engine that moves/ In predestinate grooves,/ I'm not even a bus, I am a tram. )(《管錐篇》第930頁
There was a young man who said, "Damn.
I begin to perceive that I am
A creature that moves
In determinate grooves.
I'm not even a bus, I am a tram."
To this there is a reply:
There was an old man who said, "Cuss.
I must choose between better and wuss.
By ruling of Fate,
I must keep myself straight.
I'm not even a tram; I'm a bus.


There once was a man who said "Damn!
It is borne in upon me I am
An engine that moves
In predestinate grooves;
I'm not even a bus, I'm a tram."
--Maurice E. Hare (1886-1967)
There is a somewhat better variation of the above, also attributed to Maurice E. Hare, and given the date 1905:
There was a young man who said "Damn!
I perceive with regret that I am
But a creature that moves
In predestinate grooves
I'm not even a bus, I'm a tram."
And someone wrote a nice reply:
"Young man you should stay your complaint,
For the grooves that you call a constraint
Are there to contrive
That you learn to survive
Trams arrive, buses may or they mayn't."
(Thanks to Dr. Karl Wuensch for bringing the second version of the Hare limerick to my attention, and also the response limerick.)
蠔卡勿丟棄 退卡可取回三鎊
2009-04-25 05:42:00

(本報訊)倫敦交通局TFL的資料顯示,每年有大約100萬張蠔卡被丟棄,對倫敦環境造成污染,同時也對交通局的行政成本造成了浪 費。而造成蠔卡浪費的主體人群,是購買倫敦交通季票的乘客。 據統計,迄今為止TFL共向70萬名使用「旅行通票(travelcard)」的旅客,以及30萬名使用「公共汽車及有軌電車通票(Bus & Tram Pass)的乘客,發放了700萬張蠔卡。 在那些附有7日旅行通票或公共汽車通票的新發放的蠔卡中,有三分之一在使用一周後被丟棄,另有一半以上會在5周內被丟棄。TFL的票務總監Shashi Verma表示:「每年有超過100萬張蠔卡被浪費或丟失,這些廢棄的塑料對環境造成巨大污染,同時也令售票處等候購買新卡的隊伍變得更長。」 為了鼓勵蠔卡使用者保管好蠔卡和減少浪費,TFL對購買新卡的乘客收取3鎊押金。Verma表示:「所有購買新卡的乘客,都必須支付3鎊的押金,這在返回 蠔卡時可退還。這樣做的目的是為了減少每年被浪費的蠔卡數量,以及減少大約300萬鎊的行政成本,用於更好地提高倫敦的交通服務質量。」 儘管如此,那些已經在TFL網站上登記過蠔卡信息的使用者,以及一些帶有特殊優惠的蠔卡,如附照片的學生卡或自有通票(Freedom Pass)等,如果發生蠔卡被盜或者丟失等情況,則無需在申請新卡時支付押金。  另外,從 今年5月17日開始,所有購買新倫敦交通蠔卡(Oyster Card)者須繳納3鎊押金,該押金在退還蠔卡時可返還。


Pronunciation: /ˈfɛkləs/ 


Lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible:her feckless younger brother

I must choose between better and wuss
wuss (M19) = worse 


Pronunciation: /wʊs/ 



weak or ineffectual person (often used as a general term of abuse):we are not just a group of shallow wusseswhat a snivelling wuss!


[NO OBJECT] (wuss out)
Fail to do or complete something as a result of fear or lack of confidence:she’ll probably wuss out because she fears my mighty bowling prowess



NOUN (plural wussies) & ADJECTIVE


━━ vt. (神が)運命を定める, 予定する.
━━ a. 予定された, 宿命の.
pre・des・ti・na・tion ━━ n. 予定; 宿命; 【神学】(運命)予定説.