2016年7月25日 星期一

cowl, cowling, one and all, hold-up

“His heart danced upon her movements like a cork upon a tide. He heard what her eyes said to him from beneath their cowl and knew that in some dim past, whether in life or revery, he had heard their tale before.”
―from "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" by James Joyce

B738 struck a buffalo on a runway in western India. The animal lodged in the engine cowling, forcing the pilot to abort takeoff at the last moment.

From the phonograph's engraved wax cylinders, to the palpable warmth of vinyl recordings, to the intangible streams of audio: in the music business, the bigger they come, they harder they fall, one and all     http://econ.st/1UJnlCv ‪#‎econarchive‬ (2014)


Pronunciation: /kaʊl/ 


1A large loose hood, especially one forming part of a monk’s habit.
1.2cloak with wide sleeves worn by members of Benedictine orders.
2The hood-shaped covering of a chimney or ventilation shaft.
3another term for cowling.





Old English cugelecūle, from ecclesiastical Latin cuculla, from Latin cucullus 'hood of a cloak'.

  1. (1)(修道士が着用するゆったりした)頭巾ずきん付き外套がいとう.
  2. (2)修道士の象徴;修道士であること;((時に)) 修道士.
  3. 21の頭巾,僧帽(hood).
  4. 3(衣服で,修道士の外套や頭巾を思わせる)ゆったりした柔らかい襞ひだ(drape)のあるネックラインや袖そで口.
  5. 4カウル:自動車のボンネットの一部で,フロントガラスにつながる部分.
  6. 5=cowling.
  7. 6煙突のかさ,(換風筒の先端の)換気[通風]帽.
  8. 7火の粉止め(spark arrester):機関車の煙突の頂上に取りつけたかご状の金網.


Line breaks: cowl|ing
Pronunciation: /ˈkaʊlɪŋ/

Definition of cowling in English:


The removable cover of a vehicle or aircraft engine.

one and all

Everyone, as in She's told one and all about their quarrel[c. 1375]

Everyone:well done one and all!
  • A sincere thanks to one and all and best wishes to everyone for a very Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.
  • A good time was had by one and all and there are no complaints.
  • We had a lovely session at our Manchester Summit, introducing one and all to Blogging.

Line breaks: hold-up
Pronunciation: /ˈhəʊldʌp/


1A situation that causes delay:the road closure will cause lengthy hold-ups
2robbery conducted with the use of threats or violence:the shocked victims of an armed hold-up
3(usually hold-ups) A stocking held up by anelasticated top rather than by suspenders.
