2012年7月25日 星期三

creepily delicious fairy tales, uncanny



  • レベル:社会人必須
[形](-ni・er, -ni・est)
1 神秘的な, 不可思議な, 気味の悪い
an uncanny sight
2 超人的な, 人並みはずれて鋭い
uncanny insight



IN BRIEF: In an unnatural, weird, uncanny, or eerie manner.

Children's Books

When Stories Had Sharp Teeth

Three novels that jump off from the creepily delicious fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.

2012年7月24日 星期二

Been gay, ther, pal, homosexual, comradeship,esprít de córps

Chinese dictionary refuses to turn "comrades" gay
Hong Kong (CNN) -- A newly published edition of an authoritative Chinese dictionary has come under fire for leaving out the homosexual definition of a word commonly used to refer to gay men and lesbians. The word "tongzhi" traditionally means "comrade" ...


(păl) pronunciation Informal.
A friend; a chum.

intr.v., palled, pal·ling, pals.
To associate as friends or chums. Often used with around.

[Romany phral, phal, from Sanskrit bhrātā, bhrātr-, brother.]
WORD HISTORY Pal, like buddy and chum, has an informal, thoroughly "American" ring to it. Its source, though, is rather unusual-Romany, the Indic language of the Gypsies. First recorded in English in the 17th century, pal was borrowed from a Romany word meaning "brother, comrade," which occurs as phal in the Romany spoken in England and phral in the Romany spoken in Europe. Gypsies speak an Indic language because they originally migrated to Europe from the border region between Iran and India. In other Indic languages we find related words meaning "brother," such as Hindustani bhāi and Prakrit bhāda or bhāyā; they all come from Sanskrit bhrātā, which in turn traces its ancestry to the same Indo-European word that our word brother does.


10. 集體 [ji2ti3], adj., done by many people, collective: 集體創作 work done by many participants; 集體精神 荥prit de corps; 集體領導 collective leadership; 集體農場 collective farm; 集體安全 collective security.


esprít de córps[esprít de córps]

(də kôr') pronunciation
A common spirit of comradeship, enthusiasm, and devotion to a cause among the members of a group. See synonyms at morale.

[French : esprit, spirit + de, of + corps, group, body.]
[U]団体精神, 団結心. ▼軍隊精神や愛校[愛社]心などをもいう.

La Dolce Vita, make (both) ends meet, surpass

Gucci Unpacks 'La Dolce Vita'
Gucci has been putting more emphasis on new bags and clothes inspired by its earlier classics, drawing on its long design history.

La Dolce Vita (Italian for "the sweet life" or "the good life") is a 1960 film by the critically acclaimed director Federico Fellini. The film is a story of ...

 《中英對照讀新聞》La dolce vita not so sweet amid rising poverty 貧窮加劇 義大利甜美生活不再那麼甜

Life is no longer so sweet in the land of "la dolce vita", with a report finding that more than 11pc of Italian families now live in relative poverty.

Eight million Italians, out of a population of 60 million, are struggling to make ends meet, according to Istat, the national statistics agency on Tuesday.

Of those, 3.4 million are living in absolute poverty, representing 5.7 per cent of the population, up from 5.2 per cent in 2010. The problem is worst in the sun-baked south, where one in four families now live below the poverty line.

The technocrat government of Mario Monti is implementing wide-ranging economic reforms to try to tackle the country’s 1.9 trillion euro national debt, including raising taxes and cutting public services.


The Monti government hopes to cut spending by €25bn in the next three years, as it tries to rein in the euro zone’s second highest public debt.

As businesses struggle to survive or fail altogether, the overall level of unemployment has surpassed 10 per cent, while among young people aged 15 to 24 it has reached 35 per cent.

make (both) ends meet
借金しないで[収入内で]暮らす, やりくりする.

meet an unhappy end

come to [meet] a sticky end


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[sərpǽs | -pɑ'ːs]
[動](他)(範囲・限界の点で)…を越える, 超越する, (量・技量・能力などで)…よりまさる, をしのぐ((in ...))
surpass expectations
surpass oneself
She surpassed her sister in French.

2012年7月23日 星期一

on the go, stylish, hip factor, alimentation, penny-pincher

The Stylish Side of China
Publishers of fashion magazines willing to contend with censorship and various other hurdles in China are being rewarded with heavy advertising demand.
Look chic and stylish at all times on the road
As a host on the Travel Channel, Samantha Brown is on the road about 230 days a year. She offers tips on looking stylish while on the go.

As for The Economist’s hip factor, Mr. Micklethwait said it had nothing to do with how the magazine was edited. “Once you start trying to segment and work out what people might want to see, I think that would be a journey to some type of psychological hell.”

Alimentation is provided directly in the cottage - stylish restaurant Koliba, beerhouse, summer garden. Accommodation is suitable for company meetings, social gatherings, weddings, presentation meetings, official journeys

Penny-pinching steps for small change
President Obama has proposed making America's coins of cheaper stuff. But he's likely to face stiff opposition from coin-using interest groups as well as ordinary citizens.

Diner Michelle Madrid, 26, said it’s now hip to be a penny-pincher
"It used to be cool to have a credit card and be all high-flying. Now cash is king," said Kam Miceli, who helped start "Green Truck," which serves high-end organic fare.
IN BRIEF: v. - Spend money frugally.

high-flying:形容詞,很成功的、很有抱負、野心的,或很揮霍、奢華的。例句:I rather be a penny-pincher than be high-flying in everything.(我寧可當守財奴,也不要什麼都很奢華。)



Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.
The noun has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: a source of materials to nourish the body
Synonyms: nutriment, nourishment, nutrition, sustenance, aliment, victuals

Meaning #2: the act of supplying food and nourishment
Synonym: feeding


[名] 〔ǽlmnt〕
1 栄養物, 滋養物;食べ物.
2 必需品, 生活のかて.
━━[動] 〔ǽlmènt〕 (他)…を扶養する;…に栄養物を与える.

hip2 (hĭp) pronunciation also hep (hĕp)
adj. Slang, hip·per, also hep·per, hip·pest, hep·pest.
  1. Keenly aware of or knowledgeable about the latest trends or developments.
  2. Very fashionable or stylish.
[Origin unknown.]

on the go
In constant activity, very busy, as in I'm exhausted--I've been on the go since eight this morning. [Mid-1800s]


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[stáiliʃ]
[形]流行の, 流行に合った, 当世ふうの;いきな, スマートな.

nightfall, day, Mother's Day, circadian, circa, gloaming,

台湾茶園のお茶ブログ : 【母の日特価】 ジャスミン
By taiwanchaen
母の日に向けて開催中♪の母の日特価ですが、 チェックして頂けましたでしょうか♪ ここで改めてそれぞれのお茶のご紹介をしてみたいと思います。 今回はジャスミン。 ペットボトル入りでも販売されているので、お馴染みのお茶ですね...

Mother's Day 2009 is Sunday, May 10.
The only mothers it is safe to forget on Mother's Day are the good ones. Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960
If you think Mother's Day is too commercialized, you're not alone. The woman called "the mother of Mother's Day," Anna Jarvis — the person who did the most to make Mother's Day a national holiday — thought so, too. She considered the printed greeting card "a poor excuse for the letter you are too lazy to write" and in fact ended up spending her inheritance campaigning against the holiday she had helped to popularize.

詹宏志先生在人生一瞬 中 認為Asimov 的 小說Nightfall 譯成夜幕低垂等,都不恰當 因為 nightfall可兼作動詞, 所以譯 夜降等較好
NIGHTFALL 當動詞使用還沒見過 希望讀者賜知


(nīt'fôl') pronunciation
The approach of darkness; dusk.

[名][U]日暮れ, 夕暮れ, 夕方(dusk)
at nightfall
before nightfall


  • 発音記号[glóumiŋ]
[名]((the 〜))((詩))薄暮, たそがれ(dusk).
(noun) The time of day immediately following sunset.
Synonyms:crepuscule, dusk, nightfall, twilight
Usage:When the sun was fairly down, we slipped back to the hotel in the charitable gloaming, and went to bed again.


  1. The period of light between dawn and nightfall; the interval from sunrise to sunset.
    1. The 24-hour period during which the earth completes one rotation on its axis.
    2. The period during which a celestial body makes a similar rotation.
  2. (Abbr. D) One of the numbered 24-hour periods into which a week, month, or year is divided.
  3. The portion of a 24-hour period that is devoted to work, school, or business: an eight-hour day; a sale that lasted for three days.
  4. A 24-hour period or a portion of it that is reserved for a certain activity: a day of rest.
    1. A specific, characteristic period in one's lifetime: In Grandmother's day, skirts were long.
    2. A period of opportunity or prominence: Every defendant is entitled to a day in court. That child will have her day.
  5. A period of time in history; an era: We studied the tactics used in Napoleon's day. The day of computer science is well upon us.
  6. days Period of life or activity: The sick cat's days will soon be over.
  1. Of or relating to the day.
  2. Working during the day: the day nurse.
  3. Occurring before nightfall: a day hike.
day after day
  1. For many days; continuously.
day in, day out
  1. Every day without fail; continuously.
[Middle English dai, day, from Old English dæg.]

cir·ca·di·an (sər-kā'dē-ən, -kăd'ē-, sûr'kə-dī'ən, -dē'-) pronunciation
adj. Biology
Relating to or exhibiting approximately 24-hour periodicity.

[Latin circā, around; see circa + Latin diēs, day.]
circadianly cir·ca'di·an·ly adv.

cir·ca (sûr') pronunciation
prep. (Abbr. c. or ca)
In approximately; about: born circa 1900.

[Latin circā, from circum, around (probably on the model of adverbs like intrā, within), from circus, circle. See circle.]


Why do some of us have a harder time adjusting to jet lag or daylight savings time than others? What about disruptions in sleep schedules? Our circadian (or biological) clock controls our bodies' sleep and wakefulness pattern, and that clock is regulated by DNA. On this date in 1994, an article was published in Science magazine announcing the discovery of a gene in mice which controls circadian rhythm; this was the first discovery of such a gene in mammals. Researchers continue to seek treatments for people who have trouble adjusting their biological clock.

"His insomnia was so bad, he couldn't sleep during office hours."Arthur Baer

2012年7月22日 星期日

far from, schnapps-heavy, booming cockney

He would never push his luck on mountains, though he himself was never tired, leaping up from a schnapps-heavy evening to pull on his head-torch for a 1am start, and in booming cockney (“Are you climbing, or what?”) encouraging laggards onwards and upwards.

BP Spill Saga Far From Over

The $7.8 billion oil spill settlement between BP and residents and businesses along the Gulf of Mexico clears the way for what may become a far more expensive battle between the oil giant and the U.S. government.

Inside Europe | 19.12.2009 | 22:05

Last call for German schnaps?

One of the preferred methods of washing down a belly full of food in Germany is a small glass of schnapps.

Farmers in south-west Germany have a long and rich tradition of making schnapps from fruit grown in their orchards. However, many of these small-scale fruit growers can only survive thanks to a government subsidy for agricultural alcohol - a subsidy the EU has ruled is illegal and has to be phased out. Germany has decided to fight the ruling, arguing that the end of subsidies will not only spell the end for one the country's cultural practices, it will also further endanger traditional orchards tended by the farmers.
Report: Kate Hairsine, Karlsruhe

schnapps (shnäps, shnăps) pronunciation n., pl., schnapps.
Any of various strong dry liquors, such as a strong Dutch gin.

[German Schnaps, mouthful, schnapps, from Low German snaps, from snappen, to snap, from Middle Low German, to snap at.]

  • 発音記号[ʃnɑ'ːps]


  • 発音記号[búːmiŋ]
1 ブーンと鳴る[響く], 轟々(ごうごう)たる
a booming voice
2 にわか景気の;〈都市などが〉急速に発展する.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[kɑ'kni | kɔ'k-]
1 ロンドンのEast End地区はえぬきの人, ロンドン子. ▼言葉に独特のなまりがあり, 伝統的にはBow Bellsの聞こえる所で生まれ育った人.
2 [U]ロンドンなまり[方言].
━━[形]((時にC-))ロンドン子[なまり, 方言]の.
[中英語cokeney (cok雄鶏+ey卵=雄鶏の卵→奇形の卵→愚かな人)]

cochlear implant abutment

Imagining a World of Total Connectedness, and Its Consequences

In “World Wide Mind,” Michael Chorost borrows from his own experience with a cochlear implant.

Placing Implant Abutments

(kŏk'lē-ə, kō'klē-ə) pronunciation
n., pl., -le·ae (-lē-ē', -lē-ī'), also -le·as.
A spiral-shaped cavity of the inner ear that resembles a snail shell and contains nerve endings essential for hearing.
[名](複-le・ae 〔-liì〕, 〜s)《解剖学》(内耳の)蝸牛殻(かぎゅうかく).-le・ar[形]
[Latin, snail shell, from Greek kokhliās, snail, from kokhlos, land snail.]
cochlear coch'le·ar adj.
Pertaining to or emanating from the cochlea.
  • c. duct — the coiled portion of the membranous labyrinth located inside the cochlea; contains endolymph.
  • c. nerve

[形]かたつむり形の, らせん形の.


[動] 〔implǽnt | -plnt〕 (他)
1 〈思想・信条などを〉(人・心に)植えつける, 教え込む((in, into ...))
The government tried to implant loyalty in its citizens.
2 《医学》〈臓器・皮膚などを〉移植する, 〈人工臓器などを〉埋め込む.
3 …を(しっかり)植え[はめ]込む
Telephone poles are implanted in the ground.
4 ((まれ))〈種子などを〉植える, まく.
━━[名] 〔
(1) 《医学》移植組織片.
(2) (がんなどの治療用に組織に差しいれる)挿入管.
2 《歯学》インプラント, 人工歯.


  • 発音記号[əbʌ'tmənt]
1 《建築・土木》(アーチを支える)迫台(せりだい);橋台;(アーチダムの)側壁, 取り付け部, (石積みの)合口(あいくち), 合端(あいば).
2 《歯学》橋脚歯, アバットメント:義歯の支え.
3 接合[接触]部;[U]隣接.

2012年7月21日 星期六

toleration, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, intolerance, multi-core

'The New Religious Intolerance'
Reviewed by DAMON LINKER
When it comes to religious toleration, the United States has a thing or two to teach Europe, Martha C. Nussbaum shows.

In 1505 he married Jane Colt of Netherhall (Essex), the eldest daughter of John Colt. Although More had originally found her younger sister more attractive, the marriage was a happy one; three daughters and a son were born, but Jane More died in 1511. Already More had made friends with and been deeply influenced by some of the leading men of the New Learning, especially Erasmus, but also Linacre, Grocyn, and Colet. More's many‐sided personality, made up of intellectual sophistication and simple moral honesty, brilliance and receptivity, loyalty to his king and affection to his wife, friends, and children, was becoming known. Henry VIII, who became king in 1509, early recognized his worth and integrity; he promoted him to a whole series of public offices: Under‐Sheriff of London (1510), envoy to Flanders (1516), Privy Councillor and Master of Requests (1518), Speaker of the House of Commons (1523), High Steward of Oxford University (1524), High Steward of Cambridge University, and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (1525). Meanwhile his reputation as a man of letters and a wit was helped by his publications, the most notable of which was Utopia, written in Latin in 1516, but soon translated into the principal European languages. This is an ironical political essay describing a society in which there is no private property but where there is universal religious toleration and free education for both men and women. Other writings include his Life of John Picus (1510), History of Richard III (printed 1543, a pro‐Lancastrian tract later used by Shakespeare) and controversial works against Tyndale such as the Dialogue (1528), the Confutacyon of Tyndale's Answere (1528–32), and his own Apologye (1533). The language of the controversial works is often unpleasing to modern readers but was common currency in his time. So too is his pursuit of heretics whom he regarded as dangerous enemies of both Church and State.
在1505年,他娶了John Colt的長女 Jane Colt Netherhall(埃塞克斯)。雖然摩爾原本覺得妻的妹妹更有吸引力,而此一婚姻相當幸福;他們育有三女一男,可是夫人卻在1511年過逝了。摩爾已與當時歐洲新學問(New Learning)的碩學Erasmus (伊拉斯謨)Thomas Linacre (1460-1524) Grocyn 和Colet.等人交往並深受其影響。摩爾人格的多面,如知識上深入以及道德上單純而誠實、聰明而善與人交往、忠君愛家人朋友等,都漸為人所樂道、聞名。亨利八世(在1509即位) 早認出他的德行和操守兼備;就提拔他從事系列的公共事務:倫敦副市長(1510),法蘭德斯特使(1516),樞密院士兼請願長(1518),下議院議長(1523),牛津大學大法官代表(1524),劍橋大學大法官代表,蘭開斯特皇產主管兼內閣不管部部長(1525)。同時他做為有學問和智慧的文人的聲譽,也隨著他的出書而日隆,其中最引人注目的是寫於 1516年的拉丁文著作《烏托邦》(Utopia),很快地各歐洲的主要語言都有譯本。該書是篇具有諷刺意味的的政治論述,描述這樣一個社會,其中沒有私產,而有普遍的宗教寬容,男女都受免費教育。 《John Picus 傳》(Life of Picus 1510),《理查德三世》(History


multi-core microprocessor ( or chip-level multiprocessorCMP) is one that combines two or more independent processors into a single package, often a single integrated circuit (IC).
 国家鑑定を主催する中国工程院のアカデミー会員などの専門家は、「国産ルーターメーカーは長期にわたって大部分が低中級製品でのみ活路を見出してきた が、邁普が今回開発に成功した『MP7500』は多項目の国際最新技術(ATCA、PCIE、クアッドコアCPUなど)を採用し、しかも多項目にわたる新 機軸を打ち出しており、その技術は国際水準の最先端に達している」と語った。(日中経済通信)
新華網成都7月26日電(記者 侯大偉)全球第一款基於高級電信計算架構的多核開放式標準路由器,近日由中國企業邁普公司研製成功並通過中國國家鑒定。
該款路由器被邁普公司命名為“MP7500核心匯聚路由器”。 邁普通信技術公司執行副總裁肖志輝介紹說,該產品秉承了高級電信計算架構標準化、模組化的設計理念,在性能、穩定性、可管理性方面都大幅度提高,再加上多核技術的採用,也將極大提高其運行速度,能滿足數據通信業對設備架構日趨嚴格的要求。
路由器是網際網路的主要節點設備,是“資訊”通過相互連接的網路從源地點移動到目 標地點的關鍵環節,因此被業界稱之為“網際網路絡的交通警察”。路由器的處理速度是網路通信的主要瓶頸之一,它的可靠性則直接影響著網路互連的品質。因 此,在局域網乃至整個Internet研究領域中,路由器技術始終處於核心地位,其發展歷程和方向,成為整個Internet研究的一個縮影。



  • 発音記号[tɑ`ləréiʃən | tɔ`l-]
1 (悪などに対する)寛容, 寛大, 黙認, 許容((toward ...)). ⇒TOLERANCE 1
2 異教黙認, 信教の自由. of Richard III 1543印,一篇親蘭開斯特的論述,後來為莎士比亞戲劇所使用),以及有爭議的攻擊Tyndale(丁道爾)的作品,如《對話》( Dialogue 1528),《駁斥Tyndale的回答》(Confutacyon of Tyndale's Answere 1528 --32),和他自己的《自辯》(Apologye 1533)。這些有爭議性著作所使用的語言對現代讀者而言是不堪的,然而在他的時代卻是很平常的。同樣的,他對那些他認為對其教會和國家都很危險的異端之迫害,也是如此。

2012年7月18日 星期三

family court, emancipation, apocope, pianoforte

Family Court in Manhattan. Despite a state law to the contrary, Family Court proceedings were confidential by practice until a 1997 rule.
Michael Appleton for The New York Times

Family Courts Say Keep Out, Despite Order

A 1997 rule affirmed that New York’s Family Courts must be open to the public, but officers and judges are again preventing entry into courtrooms.

A family court家庭裁判所. is a court convened to decide matters and make orders in relation to family law, such as custody of children. In common-law jurisdictions "family courts" are statutory creations primarily dealing with equitable matters devolved from a court of inherent jurisdiction, such as a superior court.

Case types

Case types may include:
Does not include Divorce

In the United Kingdom

Cases involving children are primarily dealt with under The Children Act 1989, amongst other statutes. Two types of scenario are covered by The Children Act 1989: private law cases, where the applicant and respondent are usually the child's parents; and public law cases, where the applicant is the local authority and the parents are usually respondents. There is much debate at present over whether the manner in which the law is administered generally leads to outcomes that are beneficial to the families concerned. In this context, see fathers' rights.
If an accredited DNA tester is required the Ministry of Justice maintains a list of accredited laboratories to which to refer to. Alpha Biolaboratories based in Warrington, UK is at the top of that list
Cases involving divorce and the division of assets are primarily dealt with under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973.
Cases involving domestic violence are primarily dealt with under Part IV of the Family Law Act 1996.

See also

 這一編與第一編不同之處全在詩體更自由了。這個詩體自由的趨向,我曾叫他做“詩體的釋放”(Emancipation of the poetic form)。詩體有四個部分:一是用的字,二是用的文法,三是句子的長短,四是音節。 (音節包括“韻”與“音調”等等。)音節是釋放與未釋放的詩體都該有的。如“關門閉之掩柴扉”,以音節論,有什麼毛病可指摘?姑且不論。


 ━━ n. 【言】語尾音(節)省略 ((mymine)).

A type of elision in which a letter or syllable is omitted at the end of a word, as in morn for morning.

Usage: The word "piano" devolved from "pianoforte." This is an example of an apocope.

ch.8, vol.3, Emma by Jane Austen
"Ay, I see what you are thinking of, the piano fort e. What is to become of that? Very true. Poor dear Jane was talking of it just now. 'You must go,' said she. 'You and I must part. You will have no business here. Let it stay, however,' said she; 'give it house-room till Colonel Campbell comes back. I shall talk about it to him; he will settle for me; he will help me out of all my difficulties.' And to this day, I do believe, she knows not whether it was his present or his daughter's."

「是的,我知道妳正在想什麼,那架鋼琴。它該怎麼處理?──沒錯。可憐親愛的珍才討論過這件事。──『你一定要去,』她說。『你和我都要離開。你留在這裡沒有 用。──不過,還是讓它留在這裡,』她說;『給它找個地方擺著,等甘貝爾上校回來再說。我會跟他提這件事;他會幫我解決;他會協助我解決所有的困難。』──到 今天為止,我的確相信,她仍然不知道那是他的禮物或者是他女兒的禮物。」

[名][U][C]1 (奴隷の身分・束縛・因習などからの)解放 the emancipation of women女性解放 emancipation from superstition迷信からの...
Emancipation Proclamation
((the 〜))《米国史》奴隷解放宣言(1863年1月1日).
[名]解放論者, (特に)奴隷解放論者.
[名][U][C]1 (奴隷の身分・束縛・因習などからの)解放 the emancipation of women女性解放 emancipation from superstition迷信からの...
Emancipation Proclamation
((the 〜))《米国史》奴隷解放宣言(1863年1月1日).
[名]解放論者, (特に)奴隷解放論者.

single sb/sth out, civilian, civil war , Non-international Armed Conflict

Civilian Goals Largely Unmet in Afghanistan
Obama administration officials say the U.S. is falling far short of the president’s goals to fight corruption, create a functioning government and train a police force.

Palestinians Press for War Crimes Inquiry on Gaza

Groups accuse Israel of violating the rules of war by singling out civilians and nonmilitary buildings, and by using weapons like white phosphorus illegally.

此前,只有哈瑪、荷姆斯、伊德利布這三個戰況較激烈的地區,陷入紅十字會所指的「非國際性武裝衝 突」(Non-international Armed Conflict),也就是外交用語上定義的「內戰」。國際紅十字會為戰爭和武裝暴力受害者提供人道保護和援助,是「日內瓦公約」的維護機構,紅十字會對 敘利亞情勢的評估變化,最大意義在於交戰各方將正式受到「日內瓦公約」約束,戰爭領袖將更容易遭到戰爭罪檢控。
日內瓦公約規範在衝突中如何 保護平民,或是因為受傷而失去戰鬥能力的人,以及在何種情況下可合法拘捕。根據日內瓦公約,交戰各方有權使用適當武力,但禁止對平民、醫務人員發動攻擊, 也禁止破壞包括水電供應等基礎設施。當前敘利亞爆發衝突的地點,都屬於非國際武裝衝突,因此適用於國際人道法。

civil war  內戰


  • レベル:最重要
  • 発音記号[sívəl]
1 ((限定))市民の[から成る];市民にふさわしい, 公民[市民]としての
civil society
2 国家の, 国内の
civil affairs
国事, 国内問題
civil disturbance
civil institutions
3 ((限定))(軍人に対して)一般市民の, 民間人の, 文官の;(聖職者に対して)俗の
civil administration
4 社会的秩序のある;文明化された.
5 礼儀正しい, 丁重[丁寧]な. ▼気持ちはともかく表向きは, という感じ
a civil speech
act civil toward a person
6 情け深い, 好意的な.
7 〈時間・暦が〉(天文時・天文暦に対して)常用の(⇔sidereal)
the civil year
8 ((時にC-))《法律》ローマ市民法の, 近代市民法の;((限定))私法の, 民事の(⇔criminal).
do the civil
[ラテン語cīvīlis (cīvis市民+-IL形容詞語尾)]

single sb/sth out phrasal verb [M]
to choose one person or thing from a group for special attention, especially criticism or praise:
It's not fair the way my sister is always singled out for special treatment.


  1. A person following the pursuits of civil life, especially one who is not an active member of the military, the police, or a belligerent group.
  2. A person who does not belong to a particular group or engage in a particular activity.
  3. A specialist in Roman or civil law.
Of or relating to civilians or civil life; nonmilitary: civilian clothes; a civilian career.
[Middle English, civil law judge, from Old French civilien, from civil, civil, from Latin cīvīlis. See civil.]

2012年7月17日 星期二

inoculation, neutralize, preempt

China's Challenge at Sea

Rather than trying to match American power in the Pacific ship for ship, Beijing has sought more cost-effective ways to neutralize it.

Salk Administers  His Vaccine
Salk Administers
His Vaccine
What was the difference between the Salk and Sabin vaccines? Both vaccines were used to immunize against polio. Biologist Jonas Salk developed his Salk vaccine — an inoculation of dead polio bacteria — that was released for general use fifty-five years ago today. Albert Sabin, believing that the polio virus lived in the intestines, created an oral vaccine based on live polio bacteria which would be ingested orally on a sugar cube. Although Salk's vaccine did prove to be more effective and safer, Sabin's became more commonly used worldwide. US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who died on this date in 1945, became a victim of polio at the age of 39. Though he was partially paralyzed from the waist down, FDR did regain some use of his legs. He was instrumental in establishing and promoting the March of Dimes Foundation, which helped to fund the work of Salk and others searching for a way to immunize against the insidious disease.

"I have had dreams and I have had nightmares, but I have conquered my nightmares because of my dreams."Jonas Salk

China preempts Apple on iPhone 5 launch
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Apple Inc's next-generation iPhone has not even been released yet, but opportunistic sellers on China's largest e-commerce platform, Taobao, are already accepting pre-orders,


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[priémpt]
1 ((米))〈土地を〉先買権を得るために占有する.
2 …を人より先に手に入れる, 先占する.
3 〈予想される事態を〉先手を打って回避する;((米))予定されていた番組に取って代わる.

in·oc·u·la·tion (ĭ-nŏk'yə-lā'shən) pronunciation
  1. The act or an instance of inoculating, especially the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.
  2. Informal. A preemptive advertising tactic in which one party attempts to foresee and neutralize potentially damaging criticism from another party by being the first to confront troublesome issues.

1 (予防)接種
have an inoculation against ...
2 (思想などの)植えつけ, 注入, 感化.
3 予防戦術:選挙戦における政治家の宣伝広告で, 対立候補から攻撃されそうな材料について自分のほうからあらかじめその対処法を打ち出すこと.
4 《農業》(窒素固定を促進するための)土壌改良.


  • [njúːtrəlàiz | njúː-]
1 …を中立にする;〈色を〉くすんだ色にする.
2 〈努力などを〉無効にする;…を相殺する, 帳消しにする.
3 《言語学》…を中和する.
4 《化学》…を中和する, 中性にする;《電気》…を中性化する.
5 《軍事》〈敵陣を〉制圧する.
6 …の中立を宣言する, を中立化する.
━━(自)中和する, 中性になる.

2012年7月16日 星期一

schism, to goose,goosefoot, Davidian, warrant

This rule-twisting could deprive the government of tens of billions of dollars, assuming the firm remains profitable. The tax dodge, and let's be honest, that's what it is, also will most likely help goose the bonuses of A.I.G.'s employees, some who helped create many of the problems that led to its role in the financial crisis.

On Feb. 28, 1993, a gun battle erupted near Waco, Texas, when Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents tried to serve warrants on the Branch Davidians; four agents and six Davidians were killed as a 51-day standoff began.

Branch Davidians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe Branch Davidians (also known as "The Branch") are a Protestant sect that originated in 1955 from a schism in the Davidian Seventh Day Adventists ...

Sartre and Camus in New York

The roots of the schism between the two French philosophers can be glimpsed in their different reactions to the United States.


  • 発音記号[sízm]
[名][U][C](団体の)分裂;分派;《キリスト教》教会分離, 離教;離教罪, 教派分立罪.
[ラテン語←ギリシャ語schízein(裂くもの). △SCHEDULE


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[wɔ'ːrənt | wɔ'r-]
1 《法律》(治安判事の発行する)令状
a search warrant
put out a warrant of [for] arrest
2 [U]((形式))(…の)正当な理由[根拠]((for ...));(する)権限((to do))
We have every warrant for believing him.
3 [U]担保物件, 保証;(…の)担保物件[保証]となるもの((for, of ...))
Diligence plus good luck are sure warrants of success.
4 証明書, 許可証, 認可書, 委任状;支払命令書;受領認可書
a dividend warrant
5 《証券》ワラント, 新株引受権(subscription warrant)
bond with stock purchase warrant
新株引受権つき債券, ワラント債.
6 《商業》倉荷[倉庫]証券.
7 《軍事》準士官任命辞令.
1III[名]/doing]…の正当な理由[根拠]となる, 〈…することを〉正当化する
Nothing can warrant such abuse.
His condition didn't warrant calling the doctor.
2III[名]/that節]…を保証[確約]する;〈品質・量などを〉保証する, 〈買い手などに〉商品の表示[損害賠償]を保証する;[IV[名][名]]〈人に〉〈行為などを〉保証する;[V[名](to be)[名][[形]]]((通例受身))〈人・物が〉(…であると)保証する
warrant the quality of ...
We warrant it (to be) [=It is warranted (to be)] pure wool.
3 ((古風))…を確言する;〈人に〉〈…と〉請け合う((that節))
I warrant he is a liar.
やつがうそつきなことは確かだ(▼ふつうI [I'll] warrant (you)として挿入的に用いる).
4 …を正式に許可[認可]する(authorize).
5 《法律》〈譲受人に〉遺産[譲与財産など]の権限を保証する.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[gúːs]
[名](複 1, 3でgeese 〔ís〕, 4, 5でgoo・ses 〔-iz〕)
(1) (家禽(かきん)の)ガチョウ, (野生の)ガン
a wild goose
All his geese are swans.
((ことわざ)) 自分の物ならなんでも最高;手前みそ.
(2) ガチョウ[ガン]の雌. ▼雄はgander. ⇒GOSLING 1
2 [U]ガチョウ[ガン]の肉.
3 ((話))ばか, とんま
make a goose of ...
4 (湾曲した取っ手のついた)アイロン, (仕立て屋の)火のし.
5 ((俗))(いたずらで)尻(しり)の間を突くこと, 「カンチョー」.
cook a person's [one's] goose
人[自分]の熱意[希望, 計画]を台なしにする, 人[自分]をだめにする.
gone goose
((米略式))=dead duck.
kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
1 ((米略式))(いたずらで)〈人の〉尻の間を突く, 「カンチョー」する.
2 ((俗))〈エンジンを〉ふかす.
3 …に活を入れる;…を促進する, 大いに伸ばす((up)).
[古英語gōs. △ドイツ語Gans]


n., pl., -foots.
Any of various weeds of the genus Chenopodium, having small greenish flowers. Also called pigweed.

[From the shape of its leaves.]
Leaved Goosefoot
283 x 340 - 14k

2012年7月15日 星期日

low-density lipoprotein, lipo-, lipid,

'A little lipo with your facial, madam?'

Woman's face with markings for a facelift Serious procedures like facelifts should not be classed with 'minor beauty procedures'

《中英對照讀新聞》Vegetarian Atkins diet lowers heart risks阿金素食法能降低心臟病風險
A vegetarian version of the Atkins low-carb diet may help people lose weight and lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, Canadian researchers said on Monday.
A small, month-long study of the so-called Eco-Atkins diet, which stresses plant proteins, worked better than a high-carb diet at reducing levels of low-density lipoprotein or LDL, which raises the risks of heart attacks and strokes.
The study involved 22 overweight men and women with high levels of LDL cholesterol who ate the Eco-Atkins diet for four weeks. A control group of 22 people ate a high-carb, low-fat diet based on low-fat dairy and whole grain products.
After a month, people in both groups lost about four kilograms, or 8.8 pounds. But people on the low-carb, plant protein diet had lower LDL cholesterol and healthier blood pressure compared with those on the high-carb diet.
新聞詞典 Dictionary

low-carb(=carbohydrate) :名詞, 低碳水化合物。例句:Low carbohydrate diets are often designed for fast weight loss. (低碳水化合物經常用於快速減肥。)
stress︰動詞,強調、著重。例句:The English teacher stressed the importance of reading aloud.(英語老師強調朗讀的重要性。)
dairy:名詞,製酪場、牛奶及乳品業;形容詞,牛奶製的、乳品的。例句:He runs a dairy near Madison. (他在麥迪遜附近經營一家牛奶場。)

 or lip-
  1. Fat; fatty; fatty tissue: lipolysis.
  2. Lipid: lipoprotein.
[From Greek lipos, fat. Sense 2, from LIPID.]

lipid, lipide[li・pid, li・pide]

  • 発音記号[lípid, lípaid]