2011年8月27日 星期六

going, going..., end-game, train-lover, A China hedge?

North Korea’s train-lover
A China hedge? (2)

End-game in Libya
Going, going… (119)

() pronunciation

v., went (wĕnt), gone (gôn, gŏn), go·ing, goes (gōz). v.intr.
  1. To move or travel; proceed: We will go by bus. Solicitors went from door to door seeking donations. How fast can the boat go?
  2. To move away from a place; depart: Go before I cry.
    1. To pursue a certain course: messages that go through diplomatic channels to the ambassador.
    2. To resort to another, as for aid: went directly to the voters of her district. See synonyms at resort.
    1. To extend between two points or in a certain direction; run: curtains that go from the ceiling to the floor.
    2. To give entry; lead: a stairway that goes to the basement.
  3. To function properly: The car won't go.
    1. To have currency.
    2. To pass from one person to another; circulate: Wild rumors were going around the office.
  4. To pass as the result of a sale: The gold watch went to the highest bidder.
  5. Informal. Used as an intensifier when joined by and to a coordinate verb: She went and complained to Personnel.
  6. Used in the progressive tense with an infinitive to indicate future intent or expectation: I am going to learn how to dance.
    1. To continue to be in a certain condition or continue an activity: go barefoot.
    2. To come to be in a certain condition: go mad; hair that had gone gray.
    3. To continue to be in effect or operation: a lease with one year to go.
    4. To carry out an action to a certain point or extent: Your parents went to great expense to put you through college.
  7. To be called; be known: Our friend William often goes by Billy.
    1. To be customarily located; belong: The fork goes to the left of the plate. Where do the plates go?
    2. To be capable of entering or fitting: Will the suitcase go into the trunk of your car?
    1. To pass into someone's possession: All the jewelry went to her heirs.
    2. To be allotted: How much of your salary goes for rent?
  8. To be a contributing factor: It all goes to show us that the project can be completed on time.
    1. To have a particular form: as the saying goes.
    2. To be such, by and large: well behaved, as big dogs go.
    1. To extend in time: The story goes back to the Middle Ages.
    2. To pass by; elapse: The day went pleasantly enough until I received your call.
    1. To be used up or finished: My interest in such things has gone.
    2. To be discarded or abolished: All luxuries will have to go.
    1. To become weak; fail: His hearing has started to go.
    2. To give way; break up: The dam is about to go.
  9. To cease living; die.
    1. To happen or develop; fare: How are things going?
    2. To have a successful outcome: creativity that made the advertising campaign really go.
  10. To be suitable or appropriate as an accessory or accompaniment: a color that goes beautifully with your complexion.
    1. To have authority: Whatever I say goes.
    2. To be valid, acceptable, or adequate.
  11. Informal. To excrete waste from the bladder or bowels.
  12. Informal. To begin an act: Here goes!
  13. Obsolete. To walk.
  1. To proceed or move according to: I was free to go my own way.
  2. To traverse: Only two of the runners went the entire distance.
  3. To engage in: went skiing.
  4. Informal.
    1. To bet: go $20 on the black horse.
    2. To bid: I'll go $500 on the vase.
  5. Informal.
    1. To take on the responsibility or obligation for: go bail for a client.
    2. To participate to (a given extent): Will you go halves with me if we win the lottery?
  6. To amount to; weigh: a shark that went 400 pounds.
  7. Sports. To have as a record: went 3 for 4 against their best pitcher.
  8. Informal. To enjoy: I could go a cold beer right now.
  9. To say or utter. Used chiefly in verbal narration: First I go, "Thank you," then he goes, "What for?"
n., pl., goes.
  1. The act or an instance of going.
  2. An attempt; an effort: had a go at acting.
  3. The time or period of an activity.
  4. Informal. Energy; vitality: had lots of go.
  5. Informal.
    1. The go-ahead.
    2. often Go The starting point: "And from Go there was something deliciously illicit about the whole affair" (Erica Abeel).
    3. Informal. A situation in which planned operations can be effectuated: The space mission is a go.
Informal. Functioning correctly and ready for action: All systems are go.

reactive, reactivity, mauvaise honte




(rē-ăk'tĭv) pronunciation
  1. Tending to be responsive or to react to a stimulus.
  2. Characterized by reaction.
  3. Chemistry & Physics. Tending to participate readily in reactions.
    1 反作用を示す, 反発する;反動[復古]的な.
    2 〈化学物質が〉よく反応する.
    3 《電気》リアクタンス(reactance)の.
reactively re·ac'tive·ly adv.
reactiveness re·ac'tive·ness or re'ac·tiv'i·ty n.

Reactivity may refer to:
  • Reactivity (chemistry), the rate at which a chemical substance tends to undergo a chemical reaction
  • Reactive programming, a property of an execution model whereby changes are automatically propagated through a dataflow network
  • Reactivity (psychology), a phenomenon which occurs when subjects alter their performance due to their awareness of being observed
  • Nuclear chain reaction, a basic parameter describing kinetics and dynamics of nuclear reactors

See also

Mauvaise honte - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ...

Jacques Barzun《古典的,浪漫的,現代的》一段:非常謝謝rl 和小讀者

2005/6/13 我在網路simon university 受教於rl 和 小讀者,真是非常謝謝…….

首先貼文請教Jacques Barzun《古典的,浪漫的,現代的》一段我以為是重點。

(雅克.巴尊(Jacques Barzun)《古典的,浪漫的,現代的》 (Classic, Romantic, and Modern).. 侯蓓譯.,江蘇教育出版社,2005,p.107)

re: 問:能還原「低劣的羞愧」乎?』

rl 找來一整段,只欠東風:

Barzun had this to say: The first striking trait of the modern ego is self-consciousness. I say self-consciousness rather than self-awareness, because I believe that in spit of much heart-searching, the modern ego is more concerned with the way it appears in others' eyes than with learning fully about itself and admitting its troubles fearlessly. The romantics were introspective, too, but they did not fear ridicule as we do, which is why we accuse them of indecently exposing their innermost souls. They were often wrong about the value of what they had to say, but they were unafraid of being wrong, of being themselves, and of being duped. The modern ego is desperately afraid of all three. 』 -----

小讀者留言:『It suffers from what the French call mauvaise honte. 』

這本書小讀者有, 但一時沒空找.
google之外, 還有其他搜尋方法, 比方...別忘了Amazon的全文檢索功能... 』
hc認為將 mauvaise honte 翻譯成「低劣的羞愧」是錯誤的:字面義 ill shame 意思為false shame 或 painful diffidence。這有點像「假裝虛懷若谷(謙虛)」或「壓抑自己得意處」……

除了查辭典,我用google print查 mauvaise honte 真是美不勝收,看來丁丁和rl的專欄都應該應景發專文…. 』
Homepage: http://www.print.google.com/print?q=mauvaise+honte&btnG=Search+Print

2011年8月24日 星期三

Place, barque, farewell, jet lag, embarked on a mass gastric cancer screening program

Place 有時指街/廣場
晚至泰維斯托克地方( Tavistock Place)的小戲院聽戲,甚易了解。餘此後將常往也。十一月一曰星期日晴上午赴徐子俊君處,與遊溫德渥茲卡門( Garman ...

◤ JeudiDelacroix ◢
Avez-vous une idée de quel lieu aurait pu inspirer ce "Paysage : une rivière avec une barque et deux arches d'un pont en ruine" ? Un indice : il s'agirait d'une vue la Seine près de Paris...
Can you guess from where this "Landscape : a river with a barque and two arches of a ruined bridge" might have been drawn? Here is a hint: it could represent the Seine close to Paris...

Pope embarks on his first visit to the Middle East

11.06. - George Bush Embarks on Farewell Tour of Europe

Europe will be welcoming a new US President next year, but will it have an
effect on trans-atlantic trade ties?

The DW-WORLD Article


Pronunciation: /bɑːk/ 


1sailing ship, typically with three masts, in which the foremast and mainmast are square-rigged and the mizzenmast is rigged fore and aft.
1.1literary A boat.


Middle English: from Old French, probably from Provençal barca, from late Latin barca'ship's boat'.


━━ vi. 乗船する; 飛行機に乗り込む ((on)); 船出する ((for)); (事業に)乗り出す ((on, upon)).

━━ vt. 船に乗せる; 従事させる ((in, on)); 投資する.
 em・bar・ka・tion ━━ n. 乗船, 搭乗; 貨物の積み込み; 積み荷; 着手 ((on, upon)).
 embarkation card 出国カード.

(embark on/upon) Begin (a course of action):she embarked on a new career
  1. To cause to board a vessel or aircraft: stopped to embark passengers.
  2. To enlist (a person or persons) or invest (capital) in an enterprise.
  1. To go aboard a vessel or aircraft, as at the start of a journey.
  2. To set out on a venture; commence: embark on a world tour.
[French embarquer, from Late Old French, probably from Medieval Latin imbarcāre : Latin in-, in- + barca, boat.]
embarkation em'bar·ka'tion or em·bark'ment n.


━━ int., a., n. さようなら; 告別の(あいさつ).
 bid [say] … farewell / bid [say] farewell to … …に別れを告げる.

relating to the stomach:
gastric juices
a gastric ulcer

noun [U] SPECIALIZED ━━ n. 胃炎.
an illness in which the stomach walls become swollen and painful

gastric━━ a. 胃の(近くの).
 gastric cancer 胃がん.
In terms of cancer screening, Japan once was the world leader. Regrettably, however, it now lags far behind other industrialized countries. In the 1960s, Toshio Kurokawa (1897-1988)--a professor of medicine at Tohoku University who later assumed the presidency of the Sendai-based university and also that of the Japan Academy--and his team embarked on a mass gastric cancer screening program in Miyagi Prefecture.

 gastric juice 胃液.
 gastric mill 【動】胃咀嚼(そしゃく)器.
 gastric ulcer 胃潰瘍(かいよう).

This voluntary recall is intended to address a quality issue. In in-vitro tests, the disintegration time of some tested samples in gastric fluid-like ...美國在1999年仍然有45,000名這種病人必須接受一種極端的減肥手術-胃迴路手術(Gastric Bypass)。這種手術的目的在於先使用胃間隔術使胃容量減至十分之一左右,再把這個縮小的胃接到小腸,同時使小腸的有效吸收長度剩下一公尺左右(正常者4至5公尺長)。這種手術是現在公認最為有效的減肥方法,在美國已蔚為主流。

jet lag noun [U]
the feeling of tiredness and confusion which people experience after making a long journey in an aircraft to a place where the time is different from the place they left:
Every time I fly to the States, I get really bad jet lag.jet lag: hastens death in aged rats, as do rotating schedule shifts (story)

Monster founder McKelvey resigned from its board. The career-services company said he declined to be interviewed in its options probe. McKelvey's counsel said he misunderstood earlier questions due to illness and jet lag.


(Abbr. Pl.) A public square or street with houses in a town.
(通例P-))広場;(短い)通り, 街区, …. ▼しばしば地名に用いる. (略:Pl.
Irving Place アービング町.

2011年8月22日 星期一

Schadenfreude, make a good buy, geotagging, geotracking

What’s Schadenfreude in Chinese?

Disarray in the West generates mixed reactions in Asia

German newspapers were falling over themselves with "Schadenfreude". The Financial Times Deutschland dubbed the aristocrat "Baron Cut-and-Paste" on its front page -- and with a cheeky superscript "1" next to the headline to indicate a footnote.


HTC Aria: An Elegant Android Phone
Washington Post
Along with the standard Android applications, such as Gmail, Google Talk, and YouTube, the phone offers HTC's Twitter app (Peep) and its photo-geotagging ...


Adding the current geographic location of the camera or smartphone to an image or message, or adding the static geographic location to a street address. The location data contain latitude and longitude, although altitude and bearing (distance from North) may also be included. See GPS-enabled camera and geotracking.

Police Target Student Drug Use
They were just four words typically text-messaged to his cellphone -- "What are the numbers?" -- but to a teenage pot dealer at one of Montgomery County's elite high schools they were part of a code used by students interested in making a buy.
(By Dan Morse, The Washington Post)

make a good buy

buy (PAY FOR) Show phonetics
verb [I or T] boughtbought
to obtain something by paying money for it:
Eventually she had saved enough money to buy a small car.
[+ two objects] He bought his mother some flowers/He bought some flowers for his mother.
There are more people buying at this time of the year so prices are high.
The company was set up to buy and sell shares on behalf of investors.
I bought my camera from/INFORMAL off a friend of mine.
UK We bought in (= bought for future use) lots of tinned food in case of heavy snow.
McDowell was trying to buy into the newspaper business (= buy a part of it to have some control over it).
What will we have to do to buy her silence (= to make her not tell anyone what she knows)?

buy Show phonetics
a good/bad buy to be worth/not be worth the price:
This jacket is a really good buy, at £20.

buyer Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 someone who buys something expensive such as a house:
He's still looking for a buyer for his house.

2 someone whose job it is to decide what will be bought by a company:
She's the buyer for a stylish boutique in Dublin.


  • 発音記号[ʃɑ'ːdnfrɔ`idə]

2011年8月17日 星期三

Neets, end up, acronym, wordsmith

Wordsmiths take aim at simplifying acronyms for Army
Stars and Stripes
Even though warfighter is found in some dictionaries, it's not in Webster's Dictionary. Robin Williams in character of Adrian Cronauer in the movie “Good Morning Vietnam,” 1987. AP Photo/Touchstone Pictures “Excuse me, sir. Seeing as how the VP is such .

Over the past decade, the government has focused on helping those young people likely to end up not in employment, education or training - so-called Neets.

is an acronym for the government classification for people currently "Not in Employment, Education or Training". It was first used in the United Kingdom but its use has spread to other countries, including Japan, China, and South Korea.

end up
Arrive at, result in, finish. For example, He thought he'd end up living in the city, or We don't know how Nancy will end up. [First half of 1900s] Also see wind up.

2011年8月16日 星期二

troubled waters, decommissioned

2. Troubled Waters: Why China's Navy Makes Asia Nervous

By Austin Ramzy / Dalian

The acquisition of a decommissioned Soviet carrier, at a time of naval tension in Asia, heralds Beijing's growing territorial ambition

adj Definition: anxious
Antonyms: carefree, unperturbed, unworried

  • [trʌ'bld]

1 〈顔・声などが〉不安そうな, 当惑した, 〈心などが〉乱れた, 心の安まらない, (…で)苦しんで, 悩んで((with, by ...))
wear a troubled look
2 問題を抱えた, 困難な, 〈海などが〉荒れた, 〈世相が〉騒然とした
a troubled child

  • [wɔ'ːtər, wɑ't- | wɔ'ː-]

1 [U]水
fresh [sea] water
hard [soft] water
standing [running] water
たまり[流れる]水(▼次の用法に注意:The house did not have running water. その家には水道は引いてなかった)
boiling water
drinking water
hot water
turn on the water
wash one's face in cold water
add more water to the tea
2 ((the 〜s))(健康によい)鉱(泉)水
drink the waters
take the waters
3 [U]水量, 水位, 水深, 潮;水面;水路, 海路
at high [low] water
above [under] water
boats on the water
4 ((〜s))領海, 近海, 水域;((通例the 〜s))流れる[波立つ]水;海, 湖, 川;洪水
territorial [Mexican] waters
the river's mighty waters
cross the waters
His house looked over the water.
Still waters run deep.
((ことわざ)) 静かな流れは深い;考えの深い人はむやみに口をきかない(▼「黙っている人は油断ならない」の意でも用いる).
5 [U][C]生体の分泌[排出]液, 体液(涙・汗・尿・よだれ・羊水など)
hold one's water
one's waters break
break a woman's waters
6 [U]水剤, 化粧水;水溶液;((複合語))…水
quinine water
barley water
7 《化学》(分子中の)水
water of hydration
water of crystallization
8 [U](船の)浸水, 漏水
make [take in] water
9 《金融》株の水増し評価額;水増し株(の発行).
10 (ダイヤの)透明度, 品質;(一般に)品質, 品位, 優秀性
an orchestra of the first water
11 (織 物・金属板の)波模様, 波紋.
12 [U]水彩絵の具;[C]水彩画.

2011年8月15日 星期一

dauphin, catastrophic presidency, dealmaker

WHEN the man likely to become China’s next president meets an African oil executive, you would expect the dauphin to dominate the dealmaker. Not...

given to a Poet
Margaret, daughter of James I. of Scotland and wife of Louis XI. (when only dauphin), kissed the mouth of Alain Chartier “for uttering so many fine things.” Chartier, however, was a decidedly ugly man, and, of course, was asleep at the time.
The tale is sometimes erroneously told of Ronsard the poet.

Source: William Shakespeare : King Henry VI Part 1 Act V. Scene 4
Enter CARDINAL BEAUFORT, attended CARDINAL. Lord Regent, I do greet your Excellence
With letters of commission from the King.
For know, my lords, the states of Christendom,
Mov'd with remorse of these outrageous broils,
Have earnestly implor'd a general peace
Betwixt our nation and the aspiring French;
And here at hand the Dauphin and his train
Approacheth, to confer about some matter.

波福紅衣主教入場,偕侍從 紅衣主教 總督大人,我帶著詔書

DAUPHIN: Porte les enfants sur son dos.
"海豚兒童波特在他的背上。" machine translation

dauphin (DAW-fin)

noun: An heir apparent in business, politics, etc.

From the title of the eldest son of a king of France and the direct heir to the throne, from 1350 to 1830. The title came from the dolphins that adorned the coat of arms, from Old French daulphin (dolphin), from Latin delphinus, from Greek delphin, from delphus (womb), from the shape of the organ. Earliest documented use: 1485.

"James Murdoch's elder brother, Lachlan, long regarded as the dauphin, resigned his positions at News Corp and retreated to Australia in 2005." — Peter Wilby; The Sun King's Long Goodbye; New Statesman (London, UK); Feb 10, 2011.

"Bush's memoir should prompt renewed reflections upon his catastrophic presidency. It is really a saga of how a dauphin could take the leading power in the world and leave it crippled." — Jacob Heilbrunn; George Bush's Unmemorable Memoir; The National Interest (Washington, DC); Nov 8, 2010.

2011年8月12日 星期五

bracken, pinnately, dryish, geayish

He had cut the rough turf and bracken, leaving the grey, dryish soil bare.



  1. A widespread, often weedy fern (Pteridium aquilinum) having large, triangular, pinnately compound fronds and often forming dense thickets.
  2. An area overgrown with this fern.
[Middle English braken, probably of Scandinavian origin.]

pin·nate (pĭn'āt') pronunciation
also pin·nat·ed ('tĭd)
Resembling a feather; having parts or branches arranged on each side of a common axis: a polyp with a pinnate form; pinnate leaves.

[Latin pinnātus, feathered, from pinna, feather.]
pinnately pin'nate'ly adv.

adj. - 羽狀的

日本語 (Japanese)
adj. - 羽状の, 翼のある

n. - 植物體

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 葉, 葉状体

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Pteridophyta
Class: Pteridopsida
Order: Dennstaedtiales
Family: Dennstaedtiaceae
Genus: Pteridium

n. - 歐洲蕨

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - ワラビ, ワラビの茂み

Soft Power, go anywhere, widescale, woodland, unchecked

幾年什麼"軟實力"在台灣滿天飛 這Soft Power是反諷

The Media Equation

News Corp.'s Soft Power in the U.S.

A division of the News Corporation has twice come under investigations in the United States, but neither went anywhere.

Muntjac deer (Image: BBC)Unchecked deer 'harm woodlands'

Woodlands without effective widescale management systems in place are more likely to be damaged by the UK's growing deer population, a study suggests.



widescale (comparative more widescale or widerscalesuperlative most widescale)
  1. Large enough so as to affect or involve all or most of the relevant area

2011年8月10日 星期三

a triple-A rated, on hand, on its hands

France Fights to Keep Its Rating
France is still a triple-A rated country—but it has a fight on its hands to convince markets.

on hand
1. In one's possession, available, as in The business needs to have enough cash on hand. [c. 1100]
2. Present, as in Jim was always on hand to help. [Mid-1800s]
3. Soon, imminent. See at hand, def. 2.

habit, parliament, ingrained, (tough-) (cross-) grained

habit :習慣;習性:習慣成自然,逐漸變為第二天性。好習慣稱為德行,壞習慣稱為毛病。拉丁文稱作 habitus

(hăb'ĭt) pronunciation
    1. A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition.
    2. An established disposition of the mind or character.
  1. Customary manner or practice: a person of ascetic habits.
  2. An addiction, especially to a narcotic drug.
  3. Physical constitution.
  4. Characteristic appearance, form, or manner of growth, especially of a plant or crystal.
  5. A distinctive dress or costume, especially of a religious order.
habit, religious :會衣:修會會士的制服。

    A riding habit.

tr.v., -it·ed, -it·ing, -its.
To clothe; dress.

[Middle English, clothing, from Old French, clothing, behavior, custom, from Latin habitus, from past participle of habēre, to have.]
SYNONYMS habit, practice, custom, usage, use, wont, habitude. These nouns denote patterns of behavior established by continual repetition. Habit applies to a behavior or practice so ingrained that it is often done without conscious thought: "Habit rules the unreflecting herd" (William Wordsworth). Practice denotes an often chosen pattern of individual or group behavior: "You will find it a very good practice always to verify your references, sir" (Martin Joseph Routh). Custom is behavior as established by long practice and especially by accepted conventions: "No written law has ever been more binding than unwritten custom supported by popular opinion" (Carrie Chapman Catt). Usage refers to an accepted standard for a group that regulates individual behavior: "laws ... corrected, altered, and amended by acts of parliament and common usage" (William Blackstone). Use and wont are terms for customary and distinctive practice: "situations where the use and wont of their fathers no longer meet their necessities" (J.A. Froude). Habitude refers to an individual's behaving in a certain way rather than a specific act: "His real habitude gave life and grace/To appertainings and to ornament" (Shakespeare).

(pär'lə-mənt) pronunciation
  1. A national representative body having supreme legislative powers within the state.
  2. Parliament The national legislature of various countries, especially that of the United Kingdom, made up of the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
[Middle English, a meeting about national concerns, from Old French parlement, from parler, to talk. See parley.]


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[ingréind]

1 〈偏見・迷信・気性・習慣などが〉深くしみ込んだ;根深い;生得の, 生まれつきの
an ingrained habit
ingrained prejudice
2 〈よごれが〉糸[繊維]の中までしみ込んだ.
in・grain・ed・ly〔inréinidli, -réind-〕


  • 発音記号[gréind]

1 ((通例複合語))粒が…の
coarse-grained salt
2 木目[石目]のある, 木目塗りの.
3 粒状の, ざらざら[ぶつぶつ]した;〈獣皮が〉毛を抜いた.
4 ((通例複合語))性質[性分, 気質]が…の
a tough-grained writer
cross-grained (adjective) Difficult to deal with.
Usage:Gabriel Grub was an ill-conditioned, cross-grained, surly fellow—a morose and lonely man, who consorted with nobody but himself.

2011年8月4日 星期四

“Oprah moment.”, attendance

President Obama greeted supporters at a fundraiser in the Aragon in Chicago on his birthday.
Stephen Crowley/The New York Times

Obama, Nearly 50, Returns to Fund-Raising

President Obama attended a $35,800 a plate fund-raiser in Chicago on the eve of his birthday, with Jennifer Hudson and Herbie Hancock in attendance.

Google's "Oprah Moment": An Android Phone For Everyone At Google I/O
May 27, 2009 ... As Gundotra joked, he always wanted to have an “Oprah moment.” I would have preferred a free car, but I suppose this will do.

Google Has Another Oprah Moment, Gives A Free Nexus One To Everyone At TED

This year's TED conference is in full swing, bringing with it the usual complaints from people who aren't going and the often thinly veiled boasts from those who are. And it looks like the 1,500 fortunate people in attendance are getting a nice bonus on top of their days mingling with some of the...

Wikipedia article "Oprah Winfrey".

mark up, watch one's wallet

Lissette Gutierrez chose a pair of $1,495 Louis Vuitton shoes at Bergdorf Goodman in Manhattan.
Deidre Schoo for The New York Times

Even Marked Up, Luxury Goods Sell Fast

While average Americans watch their wallets, high-end retailers are selling out of expensive items, like Lissette Gutierrez’s Louis Vuitton shoes at Bergdorf Goodman.

mark up
1. Deface by drawing, cutting, or another means of covering something with marks. For example, John was punished for marking up his desk, or These shoes really mark up the floor.
2. Raise the price of something, as in This small shop marks up its merchandise much more than department stores do. [Second half of 1800s]

watch one's wallet看緊 錢包


n. a college student's parents and financial source. My wallet won't send me another penny this semester.

2011年8月3日 星期三


植物の新種報告、英語でも可 ラテン語の壁崩し規約改訂




2011年8月2日 星期二

jump ship for a big payday/ Spend Big on Lobbying, largely

Comparing Deficit-Reduction Plans
Pentagon Faces Possibility of Billions in Cuts

Jumping Ship for IPO Hope
A wave of top managers is leaving the executive suites of publicly held tech companies for the same jobs at smaller, closely held ones, hoping to ride Silicon Valley's IPO boom to a big payday. VeriSign CEO Mark McLaughlin is departing for Palo Alto Networks.

jump ship跳槽或偷渡

Wall Street Continues to Spend Big on Lobbying
The financial industry has spent more than $100 million so far this year to court regulators and lawmakers, who are finalizing new regulations for lending, trading and debit card fees.

backstroke, front crawl,stay dry

Improve Your Backstroke While Staying Dry

Syrup, part of the LBi Group, has created the Speedo Pace Club, an online, interactive service for swimming enthusiasts who want to improve their training efforts and buy products.

ypographical mark, see Backslash.
Gordan Kožulj swimming backstroke at 2008 Euros.

The backstroke, also sometimes called the back crawl, is one of the four swimming styles regulated by FINA, and the only regulated style swum on the back. This has the advantage of easy breathing, but the disadvantage of swimmers not being able to see where they are going. It is also the only competition swimming style that starts in the water. The swimming style is similar to an upside down front crawl. Both backstroke and front crawl are long-axis strokes. In Individual medley backstroke is the second style swum; in the team medley it is the first style swum.
Swimmer breathing during front crawl