2023年5月25日 星期四

stay hydrated, potent, fugal, sociofugal, petal, fugue, radial, parched, dehydrated,

It’s going to be a hot week in Paris, with temperatures due to hit 29°C / 84°F! In these conditions it’s important to stay hydrated.

Water and other hydrating foods and liquids naturally soften your stool by keeping it from becoming hard and dry.

To stay hydrated, try keeping a large, reusable water bottle filled and nearby throughout the day. Or consume hydrating foods and drinks, like milk, juice, tea or coffee (which may also stimulate the urge to defecate), or fresh fruits like melons or grapes.


In 1957 a doctor named Humphrey Osmond began observing the effects of environmental change on the interactions of patients in a mental hospital in Saskatchewan. From that research he eventually identified two major systems for patterning space. Sociofugal space (gridlike) tends to keep people apart and suppress communication while sociopetal space (radial) does just the opposite. It brings people together and stimulates interaction as routes merge and overlap.
sociofugal (comparative more sociofugalsuperlative most sociofugal)
  1. (of a grouping of people) arranged so that each can maintain some privacy from the others

In Parched Nairobi, Politicians Blamed For Drought Crisis
NAIROBI, Aug. 21 -- Across East Africa, drought is again leaving millions of people in dusty countryside hungry, thirsty and dangerously dependent on food aid, the United Nations has warned. But as the weeks wear on, its effects -- less drastic but perhaps more politically potent -- are also...
(By Stephanie McCrummen, The Washington Post)


IN BRIEF: Dried or dehydrated usually due to heat.

pronunciation The summer heat parched the vegetable garden.


  1. Possessing inner or physical strength; powerful.
    1. Exerting or capable of exerting strong physiological or chemical effects: potent liquor; a potent toxin.
    2. Exerting or capable of exerting strong influence; cogent: potent arguments.
  2. Having great control or authority: “The police were potent only so long as they were feared” (Thomas Burke).
  3. Able to perform sexual intercourse. Used of a male.
[Middle English, from Latin potēns, potent-, present participle of posse, to be able.]
potently po'tent·ly adv.
potentness po'tent·ness n.

[形]1 放射状の[に配置されている], 輻射(ふくしゃ)形の radial symmetry(ヒトデなどの)放射相称.2 半径方向の[に動く].3 《動物》放射構造の.4 《機械》星形の, 放...


[名]《植物》花弁, 花びら.

fugueLine breaks: fugue
Pronunciation: /fjuːɡ 

Definition of fugue in English:


1Music contrapuntal composition in which a shortmelody or phrase (the subject) is introduced by one part and successively taken up by others anddeveloped by interweaving the parts.
2Psychiatry loss of awareness of one’s identity, often coupled with flight from one’s usualenvironmentassociated with certain forms ofhysteria and epilepsy.


late 16th century: from French, or from Italian fuga, from Latin fuga 'flight', related to fugere 'flee'.



1 《音楽》フーガ, 遁走(とんそう)曲.
2 追いかけっこ;交代.
3 [U]《精神医学》遁走, 徘回(はいかい)症.

fugalLine breaks: fugal
Pronunciation: /ˈfjuːɡ(ə)l 

Definition of fugal in English:


Of the nature of a fugue:the virtuosity of the fugal finale




(fyūg) pronunciation

Music. An imitative polyphonic composition in which a theme or themes are stated successively in all of the voices of the contrapuntal structure.
Psychiatry. A pathological amnesiac condition during which one is apparently conscious of one's actions but has no recollection of them after returning to a normal state. This condition, usually resulting from severe mental stress, may persist for as long as several months.

[Italian fuga (influenced by French fugue , from Italian fuga), from Latin, flight.]
fugal fu'gal (fyū'gəl) adj.
fugally fu'gal·ly adv.
fugue fugue v.
fuguist fugu'ist (fyū'gĭst) n.
