2023年5月7日 星期日

hit, encrust, diamond, diamanté, jewel-encrusted

Penny Mordaunt, in a matching blue dress and cape, holds a sword.
Penny Mordaunt, lord president of the Council and leader of the House of Commons, presents the jewel-encrusted Swords of State to King Charles.Credit...Pool photo by Jonathan Brady

Visitors to the New York side of the Niagara Falls enjoyed majestic views of the falls encrusted in ice and under a rainbow https://cnn.it/3ks58M4

This diamond-encrusted Hermès Birkin just became the most expensive handbag ever sold.

Late on a Saturday night, the line to get into the Magnum Club can sometimes stretch down the block. As busy as Magnum gets, far more people want to buy into the company's IPO than to dance amid its flashing walls and use its diamanté-encrusted toilets.

Gold toilet at Magnum Club in Hong Kong Isabella Steger/The Wall Street Journal
** diamond

An infield.
The whole playing field.

*rough diamond
One having exceptionally good qualities or the potential for greatness but lacking polish and refinement.

Field of Unlikely Dreams in Hanoi
When an American businessman started the Hanoi Capitals baseball team two years ago, the boys struggled to get a hit. The team—still without a real diamond—recently won Vietnam's first youth baseball tournament.

1 [C][U]ダイヤ(モンド), 金剛石:4月の誕生石.
2 ダイヤを用いた装身具, (特に)婚約指輪.
3 (ドリル・研磨材用などの)工業用ダイヤモンド;ガラス切り;人工[人造]ダイヤ.
4 ひし形;《トランプ》ダイヤ(の札);((〜s))((単数・複数扱い))ダイヤの組札
a small diamond
5 《野球》内野;野球場.**

*a diamond in the rough =rough diamond.*

diamond cut diamond
(機知・策略などが)いずれ劣らぬ好取組, 互角の好勝負.
▼It is [was] diamond cut diamond. のように用いる.
1 ダイヤでできた[をちりばめた]
a diamond ring
2 ひし形の.
3 〈結婚記念日などが〉60回目[時に75回目]の
a diamond anniversary
((主に米))60[75]周年記念日(⇒DIAMOND WEDDING).
━━[動](他)…を(ダイヤモンド(のような物)で)飾る((with ...))
The city at night was diamonded with lights.
[古フランス語←後ラテン語adamas(a-ない+damaein従順な=従順でないもの). a-が落ち語尾が変化した. △ADAMANT
dia・mond・lìke [形]

Line breaks: dia|manté
Pronunciation: /dɪəˈmɒnteɪ/


[mass noun] Back to top  
  • costume jewellery or fabric made or decorated with glass that is cut to resemble diamonds.


early 20th century: French, literally 'set with diamonds', past participle of diamanter, from diamant 'diamond'.

Definition of encrust in English:


Cover or decorate (something) with a hard surface layer:the mussels encrust navigation buoys(as adjective encrustedthe dried and encrusted blood


early 17th century (in the sense 'cause to form a crust'): from French incruster or encroûter, both from Latinincrustare, from in- 'into' + crusta 'a crust'.
