2022年6月2日 星期四

scour, degumming, cleanse, down, cleansing, cleanse, take heart, exit, down and dirty

Under Britain’s Online Safety Bill, the biggest sites will be required to scour everything their users upload for potential illegality. Any site likely to be accessed by children—which, in practice, means most of them—could demand identification to ensure visitors are over 18. Read more here: https://econ.trib.al/uzEFTGa

Rather than scour the calendar for saints’ names to give to their newborns, parents in Tabasco searched for them in "The Iliad" and "The Aeneid"
In Window Workology, Yoshiharu Tsukamoto Lab examines windows that "work" alongside people in manual workplaces in Japan. The latest article features the windows of a historic silk scouring plant in Yamagata.

Nobel Prize winner scoured ancient texts for malaria cure

In the turmoil of China's Cultural Revolution, scientist Tu Youyou joined a…


A cartoon by Paul Noth. For more from this week’s issue:http://nyr.kr/1JYMHFK

May we be inspired by his noble words. Ani-" mated by the example of this man's faith in life and his quiet confidence in himself, let us again take heart.
Taiwan Beer down Bank of Taiwan Taipei Times
Taiwan Beer center Patrick O'Bryant, center, goes up strong against two Bank of Taiwan defenders for two of his game-high 18 points at the Miaoli County Arena ...
Boys walked on Sunday with sacks of rice in front of a damaged church in Jaro, where, one official said, no aid has arrived.
Inland, No Aid for Survivors of Typhoon


While international relief workers and Philippines Department of Health workers are now scouring neighborhoods up and down the coast, they are nowhere to be seen in the interior.

A Campaign in Germany, an Influence Far Beyond It


Seeking a third term as chancellor, Angela Merkel is saying little about the future of Europe, while the rest of the world scours the election race for clues to her intentions. 

Insurers Could See Greek Exit Wounds
Investors worried about the impact of a Greek euro exit on Europe's insurers may take heart: Greek debt is less than 1% of shareholders' equity for most big European groups. Still, insurers are already suffering from Europe's broader debt woes.

Most of Porter’s evidence is culled from sources like the National Bureau of Economic Research and The Journal of Economic Perspectives — outlets that routinely publish fascinating research cloaked in jargon. His main feat lies in scouring, translating and synthesizing the latest findings of social science into something that the curious layperson would actually enjoy reading.

The selling of sand wasn’t such a peculiar occupation as you might think, as there was once quite a need for it. It was used to scour pans and tools and was sprinkled on floors.

Many scour the internet for special deals. According to a report by PwC, a consultancy, 93% of shoppers say they have changed their behaviour as a result of the economic downturn.

Exuberance about both "big data" and Twitter has of late given way to a degree of scepticism among commentators. Yet Dataminr, a New York startup that analyses the 500m or so tweets sent out daily, scours the Twittersphere for important events and news not yet reported. The firm now has dozens of customers in finance, the news business and the public sector http://econ.st/1kD4rMw

A major undesirable constituent part of silk is ‘silk gum’ or ‘sericin’ about 25% of total mass. Sericin is removed by degumming. Degumming is the process of removing the sericin, or silk gum, from silk. Removing the gum improves the sheen, color, hand, and texture of the silk. Because the gum can serve as a protective layer, it is typically left on the silk until it is ready to dye. In some cases, the fabric is woven to completion, and then degummed, to protect the yarn from abrasion on the loom. The process involved to remove these impurities is called ‘degumming’ or ‘scouring’ of silk. 

絲綢的主要不良組成部分是“絲綢膠”或“絲膠”,約佔總質量的25%。 通過脫膠除去絲膠。 脫膠是從絲上除去絲膠或絲膠的過程。 去除樹膠可改善絲綢的光澤,顏色,手感和質感。 由於樹膠可以用作保護層,因此通常留在絲綢上,直到準備染色為止。 在某些情況下,先將織物編織完成,然後再脫膠,以保護紗線免受織機的磨損。 去除這些雜質的過程稱為絲綢的“脫膠”或“精練”。


scour 2

Line breaks: scour
Pronunciation: /ˈskaʊə/


[with object]
  • Subject (a place, text, etc.) to a thorough search in order to locate something: David scoured each newspaper for an article on the murder

  • 1.1 [no object, with adverbial of direction] Move rapidly in a particular direction, especially in search or pursuit of someone or something: he scoured up the ladder


late Middle English: related to obsolete scour 'moving hastily', of unknown origin.


v., scoured, scour·ing, scours. v.tr.
    1. To clean, polish, or wash by scrubbing vigorously: scour a dirty oven.
    2. To remove by scrubbing: scour grease from a pan.
  1. To remove dirt or grease from (cloth or fibers) by means of a detergent.
  2. To clean (wheat) before the milling process.
  3. To clear (an area) by freeing of weeds or other vegetation.
  4. To clear (a channel or pipe) by flushing.
  1. To scrub something in order to clean or polish it.
  2. To have diarrhea. Used of livestock.
  1. A scouring action or effect.
  2. A place that has been scoured, as by flushing with water.
  3. A cleansing agent for wool.
  4. scours (used with a sing. or pl. verb) Diarrhea in livestock.
[Middle English scouren, from Middle Dutch scūren, from Old French escurer, from Late Latin excūrāre, to clean out : Latin ex-, ex-, Late Latin cūrāre, to clean (from Latin, to take care of , from cūra, care; see cure).]
scourer scour'er n.

take heart[take heart]

勇気[元気]を出す, 気を取り直す.

(1) …のほこり[あぶらなど]をこすり[洗い]取る;…を(こすって)みがく((down, out))
[mass noun] courage or enthusiasm: 
they may lose heart as the work mounts up
Mary took heart from the encouragement handed out

scour a pot
(2) 〈ほこり・あぶらなどを〉(…から)こすり取る, 洗い落とす((away, off, out/off, from ...))
scour the rust off a knife
scour a stain away
2 〈みぞ・パイプを〉通りをよくする, 掃除する((out))
scour (out) a ditch
3 〈水流が〉〈道を〉つける.
4 〈馬・牛などに〉下剤をかける.
5 …を(場所から)除去する((from ...));〈場所から〉(…を)一掃する((of ...))
scour the barn of rats
6 〈動物を〉打つ.
1 表面をみがく;ほこりを取る.
2 ぴかぴかになる.
1 ((通例a 〜))みがきあげること, 洗浄;みがかれた場所
give the floor a good scour
2 [U]洗剤, みがき粉.
3 [U](川・海の)浸食作用.
4 ((通例〜sで単数扱い))(牛・馬の)下痢.

 Poor 'not cleansed' from London


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[klénz]
1 〈皮膚・傷などを〉洗浄する.
2III[名]([副])](人の)〈罪などを〉清める((of ...));〈人を〉(罪などから)浄化する((from ...))
cleanse one's heart of rancor [=cleanse rancor from one's heart]
cleansing cream
cleansing department
cleansing tissue

Line breaks: cleanse

Definition of cleanse in English:


1Make (something, especially the skin) thoroughlyclean:this preparation will cleanse and tighten the skin(as adjective cleansingcleansing cream
1.1Rid of something unpleasant or defiling:the mission to cleanse America of subversives

down and dirty


North American informal
  • 1highly competitive or unprincipled:he’s willing to get down and dirty, slinging mud at will and knowing that some of it will stick
2earthy, direct, and explicit:I won’t bore you with the down-and-dirty details
