2021年3月9日 星期二

née, “stumbling block”, Stolperstein, Slav, slave, sex slave, worth slaving over, monkish devotion

七月二日台大歷史系花亦芬教授在陳文成博士殉難三十一週年紀念晚會上,說明迄至二○一○年為止,歐洲已有 十二個國家,由於二次大戰德國納粹對猶太人的屠殺,已經為遭迫害的猶太人設立了兩萬兩千個紀念碑絆腳石(STOLPERSTEINE),希望人類能記取教 訓並撫慰死難的猶太人。
 A Stolperstein (from German, "stumbling block"; plural Stolpersteine) is a monument created by Gunter Demnig which commemorates a victim of the Holocaust. Stolpersteine are small, cobblestone-sized memorials for an individual victim of Nazism. They commemorate individuals – both those who died and survivors – who were consigned by the Nazis to prisons, euthanasia facilities, sterilization clinics, concentration camps, and extermination camps, as well as those who responded to persecution by emigrating or committing suicide.

Stolperstein in Bonn for Ida Arensberg "Here lived Ida Arensberg. née Benjamin *1870 - deported 1942. Murdered in Theresienstadt on 18.9.1942".
   “stumbling block”,Stolperstein   絆腳石
  1. Deborah Vivien Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire DCVO, née The Hon. Deborah Freeman-Mitford, was the youngest and last surviving of the six Mitford sisters whose political affiliations and marriages ... Wikipedia
A Sauce Worth Slaving Over
A great vegetable tempura deserves an amazing sauce. Some monkish devotion required.

South Korean president presses Japan on wartime sex slaves, issue remains ...
Washington Post
TOKYO — South Korea's visiting president pressed his Japanese counterpart Sunday to resolve a long-standing grievance regarding Korean women forced to serve as sexual slaves during World War II, calling it a “stumbling block” in their relations. ...

sex slave


  • 発音記号[sléiv][名]
1 奴隷.
2 (奴隷のように)あくせく働く人.
3 (欲望・習慣などの)とりこ, 奴隷((of ..., to ...))
We are slaves to social customs.
4slave ant.
5 《機械》従属制御装置.
6 ((俗))(サド・マゾ遊びで)奴隷.
slave for a living
slave away over a hot stove
1 …を奴隷にする;…をこき使う.
2 〈従属制御装置を〉主制御装置に連動するように連結する.
1 奴隷の, 奴隷的な, 奴隷制の
a slave economy [market]
slave wages
the slave trade [traffic]
2 〈機器が〉従属制御の.
[中ラテン語sclāvus. ←Sclāvus(スラブ人). 中世初期に多くのスラブ人が奴隷にされたことから]


(släv) pronunciation
A member of one of the Slavic-speaking peoples of eastern Europe.

[Middle English Sclave, from Medieval Latin Sclāvus, from Late Greek Sklabos, alteration of Old Slavic Slověninŭ.]
Dansk (Danish)
n. - slaver
adj. - slavisk
Nederlands (Dutch)
Français (French)
n. - slave
adj. - slave
Deutsch (German)
n. - Slawe
adj. - slawisch
Ελληνική (Greek)
n. - (εθνολ.) Σλάβος, σλαβική (γλώσσα)
adj. - σλαβικός, Σλάβος
Italiano (Italian)
Português (Portuguese)
n. - eslavo (m)
adj. - eslávico (m)
Русский (Russian)
славянин, славянка, славянский
Español (Spanish)
n. - eslavo
adj. - eslavo
Svenska (Swedish)
n. - slav
adj. - slavisk
中文(简体)(Chinese (Simplified))
斯拉夫人, 斯拉夫民族的, 斯拉夫语的

Definition of née in English:


Line breaks: née
Pronunciation: /neɪ 


Originally called; born (used in giving a married woman’s maiden name after her surname):Mary Toogood, née Johnson


mid 18th century: French, literally 'born', feminine past participle of naître; compare with .
