2020年2月23日 星期日

populism, brinkmanship, writer's block,run personality-driven populist campaigns

As the long-awaited final volume of her Thomas Cromwell trilogy is published, the twice Booker winner discusses her writing life and why she wants to write a play of h...THEGUARDIAN.COM

Hilary Mantel: ‘I’ve got quite amused at people saying I have writer’s block. I’ve been like a fa...
A number of new parties look set to contest the Czech general election in late October. Most of them run personality-driven populist campaigns. But at least one campaign is driving a positive cause: a new party is seeking to organise politically the country's Roma minority http://econ.st/18VwySj 

Good Populism, Bad Populism


The most innovative ideas in the Republican Party are coming from the same contingent that's pushing the pointless budget brinkmanship.

MA-WANG SHOWDOWN: KMT legislator condemns Ma for ‘brinkmanship’

Outspoken Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Lo Shu-lei (羅淑蕾) yesterday joined the chorus of condemnation against the party’s top officials for what she said was the political brinkmanship and behind-the-scenes maneuvering to oust Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng (王金平).

Late Snags Push Back Greek Deal
Greek bailout talks entered a new round of brinkmanship, as euro-zone finance ministers scrapped a meeting to approve a new aid package.

Merkel’s Path: Brinkmanship for Debt Crisis

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany seems to have adopted a strategy aimed at remaking the euro zone in her country’s likeness.

N.Y. Transit Brinkmanship
Seeking major concessions, the transit union chief threatened to widen a partial strike that started today to the entire city at midnight tonight.

(brĭngk'mən-shĭp') pronunciation
also brinks·man·ship (brĭngks'-)
n.brink·man·ship (brĭngk'mən-shĭp')  also brinks·man·ship (brĭngks'-)brinkmanship. 釋義. N.

( 名詞noun ).p 不入虎穴焉得虎子之策略 邊緣政策開戰前先推進 n. - 霹靂進擊政策【事】 (把危急局勢推到極限的)
The practice, especially in international politics, of seeking advantage by creating the impression that one is willing and able to push a highly dangerous situation to the limit rather than concede.

1957 新字
The policy of a nation that pushes a dangerous situation to the limits of safety (the “brink”) before pulling back; an aggressive and adventurous foreign policy.[名][U]瀬戸ぎわ政策. 一不做二不休 給你死.

That word brinkmanship was modeled on the "gamesmanship" of Stephen Potter's 1947 book, The Theory and Practice of Gamesmanship or the Art of Winning Games Without Really Cheating. The sporting and humorous connotations of the suffix -manship applied to such a serious subject imply that the practitioner of brinkmanship is playing with catastrophe. Though the cold war is over, high-risk politics are not, and brinkmanship remains a vivid word to describe them.

美國總統甘迺迪的智囊,鉅細靡遺的將危機可能演變的所有狀況寫成劇本(scenario),然後巧妙的利用戰爭邊緣(Brinkmanship)的決策模型(Model),提供給甘迺迪總統做決策參考 ...
Origin: 1956

How do you fight a war without going to war? After ten years of Cold War (1946) with the Soviet Union, that was a paradox we were still trying to resolve. But President Eisenhower's secretary of state, John Foster Dulles, had no doubts about it. "The ability to get to the verge without getting into the war is the necessary art," Dulles said in an interview early in 1956. "If you cannot master it, you inevitably get into war. If you try to run away from it, if you are scared to go to the brink, you are lost."

There was good reason to be scared. Both the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics were armed and dangerous. The United States had tested its first hydrogen bomb in 1952, the U.S.S.R. in 1953. Both sides had long-range aircraft to deliver the bombs. Neither side was deterred by the fear of "nuclear winter" (1983), an idea whose time would not come for thirty more years. In classrooms, the best we could do for our schoolchildren was to hold "duck and cover" drills so they could practice shielding themselves from the flash and blast of a distant atomic bomb.

Not every American favored going to the brink. Former governor Adlai Stevenson of Illinois, twice nominated as the Democratic candidate to run against Eisenhower, criticized Dulles in a speech in February 1956: "No, we hear the Secretary of State boasting of his brinkmanship--the art of bringing us to the edge of the nuclear abyss."

That word brinkmanship was modeled on the "gamesmanship" of Stephen Potter's 1947 book, The Theory and Practice of Gamesmanship or the Art of Winning Games Without Really Cheating. The sporting and humorous connotations of the suffix -manship applied to such a serious subject imply that the practitioner of brinkmanship is playing with catastrophe. Though the cold war is over, high-risk politics are not, and brinkmanship remains a vivid word to describe them.

Français (French)
art d'aller jusqu'aux limites du possible art of going until the limits of the possible one

Another way to make threats credible is to employ the adventuresome strategy of brinkmanship—deliberately creating a risk that if other players fail to act as one would like them to, the outcome will be bad for everyone. Introduced by Thomas Schelling in The Strategy of Conflict, brinkmanship "is the tactic of deliberately letting the situation get somewhat out of hand, just because its being out of hand may be intolerable to the other party and force his accommodation." When mass demonstrators confronted totalitarian governments in Eastern Europe and China, both sides were engaging in just such a strategy. Sometimes one side backs down and concedes defeat; other times, tragedy results when they fall over the brink together 边缘政策配合使用以逐渐提高发生冲突的机率他补充说儿童对边缘政策的理解 非常到位。 His 1960 book, The Strategy of Conflict, highlighted the importance of precommitment, brinkmanship and credible

Poet's Pad™ - iPad App for Poets and Spoken Word Artists

writer's block 作家"江郎才盡"感

[U](作家の)着想の行き詰まり, スランプ.

Eliminate Writer's Block Forever!Can't find the right word or phrase? Running low on inspiration? Then Poet's Pad™ is the app for you. It is the ultimate poetry writing tool for the iPad.Poet's Pad™ contains powerful idea generating tools that are designed to inspire creative expression and eliminate writer's block.

Syllabification: (pop·u·list)
Pronunciation: /ˈpäpyələst/
Translate populist | into Italian


  • a member or adherent of a political party seeking to represent the interests of ordinary people.
  • a person who holds, or who is concerned with, the views of ordinary people.
  • (Populist) a member of the Populist Party, a US political party formed in 1891 that advocated the interests of labor and farmers, free coinage of silver, a graduated income tax, and government control of monopolies.


  • of or relating to a populist or populists:a populist leader

Pronunciation: /-ˌlizəm/


Pronunciation: /ˌpäpyəˈlistik/


late 19th century: from Latin populus 'people' + -ist
