2020年1月9日 星期四

stand down, onset, Walking the Talk, calibrated an attack that avoided all-out war

President Trump, addressing the U.S., said, “Iran appears to be standing down, which is a good thing for all parties concerned and a very good thing for the world.” He announced sanctions and vowed not to let Iran obtain a nuclear weapon, but otherwise avoided new threats.
No Americans have been reported killed in the strike, prompting speculation that Iran may have calibrated an attack that avoided all-out war. Still, it is expected that Tehran’s proxy forces are not done yet.

President Trump made a nationally televised address from the White House on Wednesday.   Doug Mills/The New York Times

Gordon Brown has announced that he will stand down as an MP at the next election. Britain's former prime minister may have been a miserable politician. But in 2008, he quite probably saved the global economy from collapse http://econ.st/1zcRmOC
Illustration by Steve O'Brien “SAY what you like about Boris Yeltsin,” said one pithy obituarist of Russia's mercurial president, “and you're probably...

Aid agencies fear onset of rainy season in South Sudan

The German president speaks at last

German President Christian Wulff has spoken of his regret about failing to be more open about a loan arrangement with the wife of a rich businessman. However, the German head of state said he would not be standing down.

Working paper: Walking the Talk in Multiparty Bargaining: An Experimental Investigation

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/6323.htmlDownload the PDF. Talk can unite, but it can also divide. In multiparty bargaining, communication can focus parties on a fair distribution of resources, but it can also focus parties on a competitive distribution of resources. As HBS professor Kathleen L. McGinn and coauthors Katherine L. Milkman and Markus Nöth show through experiments, at the onset of interaction the dominant logic in discussions, be it fairness or competition, strongly influences the equality of payoffs even in complex, full-information multiparty bargaining. The researchers' results add critical insights to our understanding of the role of communication in multiparty bargaining.

Walking the Talk 確實做你說的


Line breaks: onset
Pronunciation: /ˈɒnsɛt /


the beginning of something, especially something unpleasant:
  • the onset of winter[AS MODIFIER, IN COMBINATION]: early-onset Alzheimer’s disease
  • 1.1• archaic a military attack.

stand down
1. Leave a witness stand, as in The judge told her to stand down. [Late 1600s]
2. Withdraw, as from a political contest or a game or race, as in Harry decided to stand down as a candidate for mayor. [Late 1800s]
3. Go off duty, as in The American forces were ordered to stand down. [Early 1900s]
