2020年4月19日 星期日

optimzation, whiplash, David whipping Goliath, search-engine optimization



Why Does Google Search Love Examiner.com?

By Belinda Luscombe
Searches on Google for popular news topics often turn up stories from a little-known website ahead of stories from major media sites. Is this another case of David whipping Goliath, or is it just the weird science of search-engine optimization?

 No doubt many readers are feeling some intellectual whiplash. Just the other day we were afraid of the Chinese. Now we’re afraid for them. But our situation has not improved.
23分鐘 · 
在計算機工程的領域,optimization 可說是一種以極致(optimal)為目標的作為,例如compiler optimization、performance optimization 。嚴格來說,既然以optimal為目標,無論是否能達成,至少應該要知道optimize所做到的與optimal的距離。
但有些人已經把optimize當作enhance來用,所以在被問到與optimal距離多遠時,一臉茫然。似乎只著重於改進(improve )現狀或是強化(enhane)效能,沒有真的去探究極致。
我的博論題目是Optimizing Parallel Applications,探討如何「最佳化」平行程式與系統所構成的應用情境,即是採取以上的概念。文中以探究極致為目標,也不斷評估與極致的距離,用來調整最佳化的作為。
但時下用優化的文章似乎比最佳化來得多,恐怕是很難擋。我自己在非學術的場合,並沒有堅持別人在計算機工程領域該怎麼用,反正大部份非學術文章都是用優化來表達「強化」(enhance)之類的意思,似乎也沒錯 ?負負得正的概念

2008年3月5日 星期三


optimum Show phonetics
adjective [before noun] (ALSO optimal)
best; most likely to bring success or advantage:
A mixture of selected funds is an optimum choice for future security and return on investment.

optimizeUK USUALLY optimise Show phonetics
verb [T]
to make something as good as possible:
We need to optimize our use of the existing technology.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
Precise optimization is not necessary. It would be too costly.

さいてき 最適

~の the most suitable; the best suited; the fittest.
 最適化 optimize.
 最適条件 the optimum conditions.

 whiplash  此字本BLOG解釋過,不過編輯台上無法顯示
Pronunciation: /ˈwɪplaʃ/
Translate whiplash | into German


  • 1the flexible part of a whip or something resembling it.
  • used with reference to something resembling a blow with a whip:he cringed before the icy whiplash of Curtis’s tongue
  • 2 [mass noun] injury caused by a severe jerk to the head, typically in a car accident: suffering from whiplash, he spent weeks with his neck in a collar


  • 1 [with object] jerk or jolt (someone or something) suddenly, typically so as to cause injury:the force of impact had whiplashed the man’s head
2 [no object, with adverbial of direction] move suddenly and forcefully, like a whip being cracked:he rammed the yacht, sending its necklace of lights whiplashing from the bridge
