2016年3月14日 星期一

nettle, stinging, stinger, Stinging nettle

German Voters Punish Angela Merkel Over Migrant Policy in State Elections A1

German voters dealt a stinging rebuke to Chancellor Angela Merkel and her open-door refugee policy in three state elections Sunday, delivering historic gains for an upstart anti-immigrant party.

Sadly, Congress has neither the courage nor the mandate to grasp this nettle. Yet some urgent reforms would be politically popular.

Feel or cause to feel a sharp tingling or burning pain or sensation:[NO OBJECT]: her eyes stung as if she might cry again[WITH OBJECT]: the brandy stung his throat(as adjective stinginga stinging pain

stinger, or sting, is a sharp organ found in various animals (typically arthropods) capable of injecting venom, usually by piercing the epidermis of another animal. Technically, a stinger is the part of an insect or animal that holds a sting,[1] where a sting is the pointed organ. In common usage, stinger is a colloquialism for sting. A sting differs from other piercing structures in that it pierces by its own action and injects venom, as opposed to teeth, which pierce by the force of opposing jaws. Stinging hairs which actively inject venom on plants such as stinging nettles are also sometimes known as stings, but not stingers.[2]

在美國最新宣佈出售給臺灣的武器中,包括這種“針刺導彈”(stinger missile)。

Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)
Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Urticales
Family: Urticaceae
Genus: Urtica
L., 1753
See text.

n. - 蕁麻
v. tr. - 惹怒, 使惱火, 用蕁麻刺
  • nettle rash 風疹

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - イラクサ
v. - 怒らせる
  • nettle rash 蕁麻疹
