2024年4月20日 星期六

specifics, specification, irregular, scrap (SMALL PIECE). specificity.“It’s a concept that could feel trite if it weren’t rendered with such poetry, rigor and specificity.”

Before Saturday’s ceremony, which was streamed online, Moore’s pavilion had already been a critical hit. Julia Halperin, writing in The New York Times, said that the installation was one no Biennale visitor should miss. Moore’s hand-drawn family tree was so dense at points it was impossible to make out the names. “The implication is clear: expand the aperture wide enough and we are all related,” Halperin said. “It’s a concept that could feel trite if it weren’t rendered with such poetry, rigor and specificity.”

Viewpoint: Specifics, not slogans, are what China needs
International Herald Tribune - France
Whether by coincidence or design, the US Congress gave the spiritual leader of Tibet its highest civilian award the same week that China hosted its National ...

Defense Secretary Robert Gates announcing major changes to the Pentagon budget that would shift the military's focus away from big, expensive weapons systems so it can dedicate more resources toward fighting irregular or guerilla wars. The budget clocks in at $534 billion, a 4 percent increase from last year, but involves so many cuts to some of the Pentagon's best known weapons programs that a big political fight seems almost inevitable.

George MacDonald Fraser

Jan 10th 2008
From The Economist print edition

George MacDonald Fraser, inventor of Flashman, died on January 2nd, aged 82

Rex Features
HARRY FLASHMAN never knew George MacDonald Fraser. That was a pity, because Mr Fraser knew every scrap about Flashman, from the points of his swaggering moustaches to the tips of his gleaming spurs.

scraps Show phonetics
plural noun
small bits of food which have not been eaten and which are usually thrown away:
We give all our scraps to our cat.

scrap (SMALL PIECE) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a small irregular piece of something or a small amount of information:
Have you got a scrap of paper I could write on?
I've read every scrap of information I can find on the subject.
There's not a scrap of (= no) evidence to suggest that he committed the crime.


  1. Contrary to rule, accepted order, or general practice: irregular hiring practices.
  2. Not conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention: an irregular marriage.
  3. Not straight, uniform, or symmetrical: irregular facial features.
  4. Of uneven rate, occurrence, or duration: an irregular heartbeat.
  5. Deviating from a type; atypical.
  6. Botany. Having differing floral parts, as of a zygomorphic or asymmetrical flower.
  7. Falling below the manufacturer's standard or usual specifications; imperfect.
  8. Grammar. Departing from the usual pattern of inflection, derivation, or word formation, as the present forms of the verb be or the plural noun children.
  9. Not belonging to a permanent, organized military force: irregular troops.
  1. One, such as an item of merchandise, that is irregular.
  2. A soldier, such as a guerrilla, who is not a member of a regular military force.
irregularly ir·reg'u·lar·ly adv.


spec • i • fi • ca • tion
  1. [名詞]
  2. 1 明細に述べる[記す]こと,明記,各論,列挙,指定.
  3. 2 ((通例 specifications)) (建物・機械などの)仕様書,設計明細書(specs)
    • present the specifications for a proposed building
    • 建設予定の建物の明細書を提出する.
  4. 3 (明細書の)明細事項,細目,内訳,見積もり;条項,規定,個々の項目
  5. 4 明確化,特殊化.
  6. 5 特性を備えていること.
  7. 6 〔法律〕 発明明細書:特許権取得のため,発明について詳述した提出書類.
  8. [語源]
    1615.<中世ラテン語 specifictiō(specificre「述べる,記す」より)

specify Show phonetics
verb [T]
to state or describe something clearly and exactly:
He said we should meet but didn't specify a time.
The peace treaty clearly specifies the terms for the withdrawal of troops.
[+ question word] The newspaper report did not specify how the men were killed.
[+ (that)] My contract specifies (that) I must give a month's notice if I leave my job.
The loan must be repaid within a specified period/by a specified date.

specific Show phonetics
clear and exact:
No specific allegations have yet been made about the prison officers' behaviour.
Can you be more specific about where your back hurts?

specifically Show phonetics
adverb━━ ad. 特に; 種[本質]的に見て; 明確に; 明確に言えば.
clearly, exactly or in detail:
I specifically asked you not to be late.
The law specifically prohibits acts of this kind.
It specifically said/stated on the label that the jacket should be dry-cleaned only.

specification Show phonetics
noun [C or U] (INFORMAL spec) ━━ n. 明細に述べる[記す]こと; (pl.) (工事・設計などの)仕様[明細]書 ((for, of)); 【コンピュータ】スペック, 仕様; 明細, 内訳.
a detailed description of how something should be done, made, etc:
All products are made exactly to the customer's specifications.
A specification has been drawn up for the new military aircraft.
a job specification
The cars have been built to a high specification (= a high standard).

The term specs can refer to:
specifics Show phonetics
plural nounpl.) 詳細;
exact details:
I can't comment on the specifics of the case.
The specifics of the plan still have to be worked out.

specificity Show phonetics
noun [U] FORMAL
the quality of being specific

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
